Service (and a Node express app) for resolving favicons for a given URL.
It tries to lookup /favicon.ico
(following redirects) and if nothing found
then it fetches the URL and parses HTML to find a <link rel="icon" ... >
Usage as a service
Service is deployed at http://faviconr.qp.pe so you can just cURL it with url as GET parameter:
% curl http://faviconr.qp.pe/?url=http://google.com
The faviconr repository is ready to be deployed as Heroku or Dokku service.
Usage as a library
Faviconr is designed as a reusable express application so you can embed this functionality inside your own app like this:
var express = require('express');
var faviconr = require('faviconr');
var app = express();
app.use('/api/favicon', faviconr());
Now your app will resolve favicons at http://localhost:8000/api/favicon
% curl http://localhost:8000/api/favicon?url=http://google.com