This is an offline-capable Notepad which uses the Service Worker API behind the scenes.
Like this app? If so, consider donating a small amount. It would help me maintaining this project further.
You can support me via Paypal.
Notable features
- Writes notes which are then saved to the localStorage.
- Installable on supported browsers for offline usage.
- "Add To Home Screen" feature on Android supported devices to launch the app from home screen.
- Editor padding.
- Customizable font size, font weight, and line height.
- Word and character count.
- Minimal UI.
- Keyboard shortcuts for common actions.
- Dark mode.
Read about the story of how I built it.
Note Please use the Discussions tab to submit new feature requests. Don't raise issues for the same.
MIT ย ยทย GitHub @amitmerchant1990 ย ยทย Twitter @amit_merchant