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Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using SIFT detector and descriptor, RANSAC algorithm for best-fit homograpy, linear blendingCryptography-AES-implement-in-C
Implement AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) Stystem in C programSoftware-Testing-NYCU-2021
IOC5167, Software Testing course in NYCU (Spring 2021)Global-Wheat-Detection-Competition
Kaggle competition - global wheat detection.Instance-Segmentation-on-Tiny-PASCAL-VOC-Dataset
In this instance segmentation task, we use Detectron2, developed by Facebook AI Research, to conquer this task. And adopt Mask R-CNN as our main model architectureParallel-Programming-NYCU
IOC5181, Parallel Programming @ NYCU, Fall 2021OpenGL-Shader
OpenGL. Implement Phong Shading, dissolve effect, and ramp effect by Shader(GPU).Hybrid-image
The Project constructing hybrid images in python, using Discrete Fourier Transform and low/high pass filter to two different images.Cryptography-RSA-implement-in-C
RSA 加密C實作Implement-the-book-about-deep-learning
學習 “deep learning 用python進行深度學習的基礎理論實作“ 斎藤康毅Deep-learning-projects-with-Pytorch
Playing some deep learning projects with PytorchBayesianClassifier-NaiveBayesClassifier-linearClassifier-ImplementationFromScratch
Python-Implement BayesianClassifier, NaiveBayesClassifier, linearClassifier and evalution method (confusion matrix, ROC curve, AUC) without calling
My Personal CV websiteArduino-Internet-of-Vehicle
The repository is built for lab3(Continuous Integration) of Software-Testing-NYCU-2021Pytorch-DCGAN-GAN-WAN-
Pytorch implement DCGAN (Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network)、GAN(Generative Adversarial Network)、WGAN(Wasserstein GAN)Yunyung
大學網頁開發練習 以電影院電影為例3rd-ML100Days
機器學習 百日實作課程Cryptography-in-C
Practice how to implement camera calibration from scratch without use cv.calibration()IoT-Raspberry-Pi
Image super resolution. TensorFlow version of the EDSR model in 'Enhanced Deep Residual Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution' (CVPRW 2017). CS_T0828, Selected Topics in Visual Recognition using Deep Learning,
使用Cuda GPU 加速將圖片處理加速,達成圖片銳利化、模糊化處理,範例圖片為 lena.bmp 解析度->512 X 512Image-Pyramid
Implementation of Image-Pyramid, including Gaussian Pyramid and Laplacian Pyramid, from scratch in pythonalgorithm
The repository is built for lab4(CI/CD with Github Action) of Software-Testing-NYCU-2021LeetCode
My LeetcodeFull-Stack-Web-Development-Courses
Web Development Practice - Full Stack Web Development Courses OnlineOpenCV-project
OpenCV projectCryptography-DES-implement-in-C
Cryptography- implementation of Data Encryption Standard(DES) in CCarClassifier
CS_T0828, Selected Topics in Visual Recognition using Deep Learning, NCTU. Kaggle competition - image classification for car imagesObject-Detector-on-SVHN-Datasets
In this project, we use mmdetection, an open source object detection toolbox based on PyTorch, to train our object detector to detect digit in SVHN datasetCharacteristic-preserving-Latent-Space-for-Unpaired-Cross-domain-Translation-of-3D-Point-Clouds
"Characteristic-preserving Latent Space for Unpaired Cross-domain Translation of 3D Point Clouds," accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us