LWRP Scriptable Render Pass - Example Library
This Unity project demonstrates several different implementation examples using the Scriptable Render Pass API and Shader Graph in the Lightweight Render Pipeline.
These are modified versions that come from the following projects:
- Boat Attack: https://github.com/Verasl/BoatAttack/
- Extending LWRP: https://github.com/johnsietsma/ExtendingLWRP
Some of the assets used are from the FPS Sample project: https://unity.com/fps-sample
All examples/assets/shaders are offered 'as is' and you are welcome to extract them, modify them, adapt them etc!
Software Requirements
- Unity 2018.3.0f2
- Lightweight Render Pipeline 4.6.0
If you have any issues and feedback on the project; please contact Andy by email: andyt[at]unity3d.com