This dark theme applied to Stack Overflow and almost all Stack Exchange sites (except Area 51).
A userstyle manager is required, common ones include:
Additional styles
- The StackOverflow Syntax Themes style is a required additional style for rendering blocks of code on StackOverflow, it contains preset + custom syntax themes.
- The Overlay-Scrollbars style is an optional additional style for styling scrollbars on modern browsers since removing scrollbars styles in this commit
- In versions 2.8.0+, this style will apply to almost all Stack Exchange sites.
- From version 5.0.0, the syntax themes are removed and added as separate theme switcher, this is because SO design upstream changed, see issue #218
- Do not use this style and the native site dark mode together. Make your choice and stick with one but not both at same time. See below.
Bug reports
We only accept bug reports with Stack Overflow/Exchange light style enabled.
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Thanks to all that have contributed so far!