export bert model for serving
predicting with estimator is slow, use export_savedmodel instead
create virtual environment
conda env create -f env.yml
train a classifier
bash train.sh
use the classifier
bash predict.sh
export bert model
bash export.sh
check out exported model
saved_model_cli show --all --dir $exported_dir
test exported model
bash test.sh
export it yourself
def serving_input_fn():
label_ids = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name='label_ids')
input_ids = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, FLAGS.max_seq_length], name='input_ids')
input_mask = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, FLAGS.max_seq_length], name='input_mask')
segment_ids = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, FLAGS.max_seq_length], name='segment_ids')
input_fn = tf.estimator.export.build_raw_serving_input_receiver_fn({
'label_ids': label_ids,
'input_ids': input_ids,
'input_mask': input_mask,
'segment_ids': segment_ids,
return input_fn
estimator._export_to_tpu = False
estimator.export_savedmodel(FLAGS.export_dir, serving_input_fn)