A simple IDA plugin to generate FRIDA script.
- Edit template for functions or you can use the default template.
- Select functions you want to trace in function window
- Generate & inject
default template
IDAFrida applies template to all selected functions and then generate a single frida script.
(function () {
// @ts-ignore
function print_arg(addr) {
try {
var module = Process.findRangeByAddress(addr);
if (module != null) return "\\n"+hexdump(addr) + "\\n";
return ptr(addr) + "\\n";
} catch (e) {
return addr + "\\n";
// @ts-ignore
function hook_native_addr(funcPtr, paramsNum) {
var module = Process.findModuleByAddress(funcPtr);
try {
Interceptor.attach(funcPtr, {
onEnter: function (args) {
this.logs = "";
this.params = [];
// @ts-ignore
this.logs=this.logs.concat("So: " + + " Method: [funcname] offset: " + ptr(funcPtr).sub(module.base) + "\\n");
for (let i = 0; i < paramsNum; i++) {
this.logs=this.logs.concat("this.args" + i + " onEnter: " + print_arg(args[i]));
}, onLeave: function (retval) {
for (let i = 0; i < paramsNum; i++) {
this.logs=this.logs.concat("this.args" + i + " onLeave: " + print_arg(this.params[i]));
this.logs=this.logs.concat("retval onLeave: " + print_arg(retval) + "\\n");
} catch (e) {
// @ts-ignore
hook_native_addr(Module.findBaseAddress("[filename]").add([offset]), [nargs]);