A dark theme for Emacs, inspired from Niflheim and One Dark
Repository mirrored with gitlab.petton.fr/nico/zerodark-theme.
Mode-line format (optional)
Evaluate zerodark-setup-modeline-format
to enable the custom mode-line-format:
The custom mode line provided with zerodark-theme
the all-the-icons package. The
package itself is installed along with zerodark-theme
However, it is necessary to install the fonts in the fonts
directory included
in all-the-icons
repository as explained in its README:
in order for the icons to work you will need to install the Resource Fonts included in this package, they are available in the fonts directory.
Supported packages
Zerodark has supports for many packages, including the following:
- ace-window
- anzu
- avy
- clojure-mode
- company-mode
- diff-hl
- ediff
- elfeed
- erc
- eshell
- flycheck
- helm
- hydra
- ido
- ivy
- jabber.el
- js2-mode
- ledger
- linum
- magit
- markup-face
- notmuch
- orgmode
- powerline
- show-paren
- visible-mark
- web-mode
- wgrep
- whitespace-mode
Installation (with MELPA)
M-x package-install RET zerodark-theme
Add the following to you init.el
(load-theme 'zerodark t)
;; Optionally setup the modeline
Or execute M-x load-theme RET zerodark RET
Copyright 2015-2021 (C) Nicolas Petton