PowerDecode is a PowerShell-based tool for de-obfuscating PowerShell scripts obfuscated across multiple layers in different obfuscation forms including:
- String concatenate/reorder/reverse/replace
- Base64 encoding
- ASCII encoding
- Compression deflate/GZIP
The tool performs also code dynamic analysis, gathering useful informations about malware activity including:
- HTTP response status of URLs
- Declared variables
- Payloads download attempts
- Attempts to start processes
- Shellcode injection attempts
- Dynamic analysis requires script execution. Use the tool only in a isolated execution environment ( VirtualBox for example)
- Before de-obfuscating make sure the script is executable (automatic de-obfuscation process fails if script contains some syntax errors)
- Windows Defender might avoid the tool from working properly. Disable it temporarily if necessary.
- Windows PowerShell v5.1
- OS Windows 10 64 bit
Enable scripts execution: launch PowerShell as Administrator and run the command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass
If it doesn't work, open Registry Editor as Administrator and go to:
Set the parameter "ExecutionPolicy" on value "Bypass"
Disable any antivirus software in order to allow the tool to analyze malware without interruption.
Click on PowerDecode.bat to start the GUI
PowerDecode can work in two different modes:
- Automatic decode mode
- Manual decode mode
Obfuscation layers of an input script are automatically detected and removed. A dynamic analysis is performed on the final layer. The following options are available:
- [1]-Decode a script from a single file: takes as input a file to analyze and a folder to save the report file (if this last is not set, report file will be saved in the PowerDecode folder)
- [2]-Decode multiple scripts from a folder: takes as input a folder containg some files to analyze and a folder to save the report files (if this last is not set, report files will be saved in the PowerDecode folder)
- [0]-Go back: returns to the previous menu
User can select a set of tasks to perform on an input script to manually remove obfuscation layers. The following options are available:
- [1]-Decode script by regex: regular expression supported by PowerDecode are applied to the input string to remove a single obfuscation layer
- [2]-Decode script by IEX overriding: input string is executed in a local environment where Invoke-Expression cmdlet is replaced with Write-Output cmdlet (might execute malicious actions!)
- [3]-Decode base64 encoding: removes base64 encoding
- [4]-Decode deflate payload: removes deflatestream compression
- [5]-Decode GZIP payload: removes GZIPstream compression
- [6]-Replace a string (raw): replaces a piece of the loaded script with a substring entered by the user
- [7]-Replace a string (evaluate): replaces a piece of the loaded script with its execution output (might execute malicious actions!)
- [8]-URLs analysis: extracts URLs and checks their HTTP response status code
- [9]-Get variables content: extracts declared variables and shows their names and contents (might execute malicious actions!)
- [10]-Shellcode check: extracts shellcode as hexadecimal instructions. This feature could be efficiently integrated with SCDBG. In order to activate the debugger, the scdbg.exe file must be placed on the PowerDecode\ folder
- [11]-Perform static analysis and get VirusTotal rating: Analyzes the code without executing it and provides a description of the malware. If the API key is set shows the VirusTotal rating of the malware via API call
- [12]-Undo last decoding task: deletes the last layer of code obtained
- [13]-Report preview: shows all collected data as it will be saved on the report file
- [14]-Store and export report file: saves all collected data on a .txt report file and stores the sample in the MalwareRepository.db
- [0]-Go back: returns to the previous menu
PowerDecode includes a malware database( MalwareRepository.db) based on LiteDB. On this section, following options are available:
- [1]-Query DB for a script: checks if a script from an input file is stored on DB and if it is present, shows its de-obfuscated version
- [2]-Query DB for a URL: checks if an input URL is stored on DB and also shows stored malwares that connect to it
- [3]-Query DB for a shellcode: checks if an input shellcode(string of hex values) is stored on DB and if it is present shows stored malwares that inject it
- [4]-Malware statistics: shows some statistics about malware samples stored on MalwareRepository.db
- [5]-Export all original scripts: allows to export all orginal malware samples from MalwareRepository.db to an output folder. Each sample will be saved on a .txt file. WARNING: use this feature only on a isolated execution environment, exported files are malicious!
- [6]-Export all URLs: allows to export all stored URLs from MalwareRepository.db to an output file
- [6]-Export all Shellcodes: allows to export all stored shellcodes from MalwareRepository.db to an output folder. Each sample will be saved on a .txt file
- [0]-Go back: returns to the previous menu
Following parameters can be set:
- [1]-Switch storage mode: if it is set to "Enabled" analyzed scripts will be stored on MalwareRepository.db
- [2]-Switch step-by-step mode: if it is set to "Enabled", decoding multiple scripts from a folder, the user is asked for confirmation before continuing with the analysis of the next file
- [3]-Set VirusTotal API key: allows to load a VirusTotal API key to interact with the VirusTotal API
- [4]-Set execution timeout: allows to set the maximum time limit in seconds of script execution during de-obfuscation process
- [5]-Switch logging mode: if it is set to "Enabled" log files are saved on the package\logs folder
G. M. Malandrone, G. Virdis, G. Giacinto , D. Maiorca. PowerDecode: a PowerShell Script Decoder Dedicated to Malware Analysis. 5th Italian Conference on CyberSecurity (ITASEC), 2021.