NW.js ARMv7 binaries
The NW.js ARMv7 and ARMv8 (experimental) binaries are located under the Releases tab.
Experimental 64 bit binaries are now available
64 bit and 32 bit binaries are packaged and released separately. The 64 bit package does not contain the SDK versions.
Instructions for running your NW.js application on Linux ARMv7
After downloading the archive and unpacking it, the NW.js binary can be executed on Linux ARMv7 devices with:
./nw --use-gl=egl --ignore-gpu-blacklist --disable-accelerated-2d-canvas --num-raster-threads=2
Thanks @gripped, @jtg-gg and @llamasoft for their endless patience and help!
Building the binaries
Starting the build of nw57 branch:
./automatic-build.sh --branch nw57
If no branch is provided the script will use the latest version for the build.
Starting the build of nw57 branch in an existing docker container:
./automatic-build.sh --branch nw57 --docker-container 45c1550a0bb3
Building the build environment docker image and upload it to docker hub:
./automatic-build.sh --branch nw57 --docker-image-build-only --upload-image