Xiaomi Mi Band App
- Patch and ExtendActivity to allow send Notifications to MiBand from 3rds apps, still in Beta Stage (KashaMalaga and Mksaint13)
- Lua scripting to allow more native languages and translations (ES,IT,PT,RU)
- Patch to show Unlock Screen Feature without Miui device (Need Lollipop or MiuiSecurityBluetoothSettings Framework)
- Patch for allow execution under Android 4.0+ instead 4.4
- Patch to allow getting running app without Bluetooth 4.0 (For sure u couldnt find miBand)
- Patch for set timing missing calls from 0 sec to 1 minute (Xiaomi told us 3sec until 15sec - no thanks :P)
- Patch for sharing data/stadistics with Whatsapp and other apps
This unpacked included both patches to allow execution on Android 4.0.4 devices and without Bluetooth 4.0 (But remember if u dont have Bluetooth 4.0 the app will crash and there is nothing we can do)