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Effortlessly embed images into any markup language, like LaTeX, Markdown or Typst

πŸ“Έ img-clip.nvim

Effortlessly embed images into any markup language, like LaTeX, Markdown or Typst.



  • Paste images directly from the system clipboard.
  • Drag and drop images from your web browser or file explorer to embed them.
  • Embed images as files, URLs, or directly as Base64.
  • Configurable templates with cursor positioning and figure labels.
  • Default templates for widely-used markup languages like LaTeX, Markdown and Typst.
  • Cross-compatibility with Linux, Windows, and MacOS.

See these features in action in the demonstration section!


⚠️ Run :checkhealth img-clip after installation to ensure requirements are satisfied.


Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:


return {
  event = "BufEnter",
  opts = {
    -- add options here
    -- or leave it empty to use the default settings
  keys = {
    -- suggested keymap
    { "<leader>p", "<cmd>PasteImage<cr>", desc = "Paste clipboard image" },



The plugin comes with the following commands:

  • PasteImage Inserts the image from the clipboard into the document.

Consider binding PasteImage to something like <leader>p.


You can also use the Lua equivalent, which allows you to override your configuration by passing the options directly to the function:

require("img-clip").pasteImage({ use_absolute_path = false, file_name = "image.png" })



The plugin comes with the following defaults:

  default = {
    debug = false, -- enable debug mode
    dir_path = "assets", -- directory path to save images to, can be relative (cwd or current file) or absolute
    file_name = "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", -- file name format (see lua.org/pil/22.1.html)
    url_encode_path = false, -- encode spaces and special characters in file path
    use_absolute_path = false, -- expands dir_path to an absolute path
    relative_to_current_file = false, -- make dir_path relative to current file rather than the cwd
    relative_template_path = true, -- make file path in the template relative to current file rather than the cwd
    prompt_for_file_name = true, -- ask user for file name before saving, leave empty to use default
    show_dir_path_in_prompt = false, -- show dir_path in prompt when prompting for file name
    use_cursor_in_template = true, -- jump to cursor position in template after pasting
    insert_mode_after_paste = true, -- enter insert mode after pasting the markup code
    embed_image_as_base64 = false, -- paste image as base64 string instead of saving to file
    max_base64_size = 10, -- max size of base64 string in KB
    template = "$FILE_PATH", -- default template

    drag_and_drop = {
      enabled = true, -- enable drag and drop mode
      insert_mode = false, -- enable drag and drop in insert mode
      copy_images = false, -- copy images instead of using the original file
      download_images = true, -- download images and save them to dir_path instead of using the URL

  -- filetype specific options
  -- any options that are passed here will override the default config
  -- for instance, setting use_absolute_path = true for markdown will
  -- only enable that for this particular filetype
  -- the key (e.g. "markdown") is the filetype (output of "set filetype?")
  filetypes = {
    markdown = {
      url_encode_path = true,
      template = "![$CURSOR]($FILE_PATH)",

      drag_and_drop = {
        download_images = false,

    html = {
      template = '<img src="$FILE_PATH" alt="$CURSOR">',

    tex = {
      relative_template_path = false,
      template = [[

    typst = {
      template = [[
  image("$FILE_PATH", width: 80%),
  caption: [$CURSOR],
) <fig-$LABEL>

    rst = {
      template = [[
.. image:: $FILE_PATH
   :alt: $CURSOR
   :width: 80%

    asciidoc = {
      template = 'image::$FILE_PATH[width=80%, alt="$CURSOR"]',

    org = {
      template = [=[
#+NAME: fig:$LABEL

  -- override options for specific files, dirs or custom triggers
  files = {}, -- file specific options (e.g. "main.md" or "/path/to/main.md")
  dirs = {}, -- dir specific options (e.g. "project" or "/home/user/project")
  custom = {}, -- custom options enabled with the trigger option


Option values can be configured as either static values (e.g. "assets"), or by dynamically generating them through functions. For instance, to set the dir_path to match the name of the currently opened file:

dir_path = function()
  return vim.fn.expand("%:t:r")


Filetype specific options will override the default (or global) configuration. Any option can be specified for a specific filetype. For instance, if you only want to use absolute file paths for LaTeX, then:

filetypes = {
  tex = {
    use_absolute_path = true

Filetype specific options are determined by the filetype (see :help filetype). You can override settings for any filetype by specifying it as the key in your configuration:

filetypes = {
  <filetype> = { -- obtained from "set filetype?"
    -- add options here

Overriding options for specific files, directories or custom triggers

Options can be overridden for specific files, directories or based on custom conditions. This means that you can have different options for different projects, or even different files within the same project.

For files and directories, you can specify settings that apply to only a specific file or directory using its absolute path (e.g. /home/user/project/README.md). You can also specify a general file or directory name (e.g. README.md) which will apply the settings to any README.md file. For custom options, you can specify a trigger function that returns a boolean value that is used to enable it.

The plugin evaluates the options in the following order:

  1. Custom options
  2. File specific options
  3. Directory specific options
  4. Filetype specific options
  5. Default options

Example configuration:

-- file specific options
files = {
  ["/path/to/specific/file.md"] = {
    template = "Custom template for this file",
  ["README.md"] = {
    template = "Custom template for README.md files",

-- directory specific options
dirs = {
  ["/path/to/project"] = {
    template = "Project specific template",

-- custom options
custom = {
    trigger = function() -- returns true to enable
      return vim.fn.strftime("%A") == "Monday"
    template = "Template for Mondays only",

The options can be nested arbitrarily deep:

dirs = {
  ["/home/user/markdown"] = {
    template = "template for this project",

    filetypes = { -- filetype options nested inside dirs
      markdown = {
        template = "markdown template"

    files = { -- file options nested inside dirs
      ["readme.md"] = {
        dir_path = "images"

Project-specific settings with the .img-clip.lua file

Project-specific settings can be specified in a .img-clip.lua file in the root of your project. The plugin will automatically load this file and use it to override the default settings. If multiple files are found, the closest one to the current file (in any parent directory) will be used.

The .img-clip.lua should return a Lua table containing the options (similar to opts in lazy.nvim):

return {
  -- add options here


return {
  default = {
    template = "default template"

  filetypes = {
    markdown = {
      template = "markdown template"


Templates in the plugin use placeholders that are dynamically replaced with the correct values at runtime. For available placeholders, see the following table and the demonstration:

Placeholder Description Example
$FILE_NAME File name, including its extension. image.png
$FILE_NAME_NO_EXT File name, excluding its extension. image
$FILE_PATH File path. /path/to/image.png
$LABEL Figure label, generated from the file name, converted to lower-case and with spaces replaced by dashes. the-image (from the image.png)
$CURSOR Indicates where the cursor will be placed after insertion if use_cursor_in_template is true.

Templates can also be defined using functions with the above placeholders available as function parameters:

template = function(context)
  return "![" .. context.cursor .. "](" .. context.file_path .. ")"

Drag and drop

The drag and drop feature enables users to drag images from the web browser or file explorer into the terminal to automatically embed them, in normal mode. It can be optionally enabled in insert mode using the drag_and_drop.insert_mode option. For drag and drop to work properly, the following is required by the terminal emulator:

  1. The terminal emulator must paste the file path or URL to the image when it is dropped into the terminal.
  2. The text must be inserted in bracketed paste mode, which allows Neovim to differentiate pasted text from typed-in text. This is required because the drag and drop feature is implemented by overriding vim.paste().

A list of terminal emulators and their capabilities is given below.

Terminal X11 Wayland MacOS Windows
File URL File URL File URL File URL
Kitty βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βž– βž–
Konsole βœ… βœ… ❓️ ❓️ βž– βž– βž– βž–
Alacritty βœ… ❌ ❌ ❌ βœ… ❌ βœ… ❌
Wezterm ❌ ❌ ❓️ ❓️ βœ… ❌ βœ… ❌
Foot βž– βž– βœ… βœ… βž– βž– βž– βž–
Terminal.app βž– βž– βž– βž– βœ… βœ… βž– βž–
iTerm.app βž– βž– βž– βž– βœ… βœ… βž– βž–
Hyper ❌ ❌ ❓️ ❓️ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌
XTerm ❌ ❌ βž– βž– βž– βž– βž– βž–
Windows Terminal βž– βž– βž– βž– βž– βž– βœ… βœ…
PowerShell βž– βž– βž– βž– βž– βž– ❌ ❌
Cmder βž– βž– βž– βž– βž– βž– ❌ ❌
ConEmu βž– βž– βž– βž– βž– βž– ❌ ❌

πŸ’‘ If you're having issues on Windows, try changing the default shell to powershell or pwsh. See :h shell-powershell.

⚠️ MacOS URLs only work in Safari.


Drag and drop


Paste from clipboard

clipboard-screenshot clipboard-copy


template template-image

