๐: Open Source Software For Data Science ๐: JJ Allaire @fly_upside_down๐: ๐: revealjs ๐ฅ:
10:00 Keynote
๐: Data, Visualization, And Designing With AI ๐: Fernanda Viegas, Martin Wattenberg ๐: People + AI Guidebook ๐: ๐ฅ:
11:30 Session 1, Track 1: Case Study
๐: Case Studies In Customer Succes ๐: Katie Masiello ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: How Vibrant Emotional Health Connected Siloed Data Sources And Streamlined Reporting Using R ๐: Sean Murphy ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: Building A New Data Science Pipeline For The FT With RStudio Connect ๐: George Kastrinakis ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: How To Win An AI Hackathon, Without Using AI ๐: Colin Gillespie csgillespie. ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
11:30 Session 1, Track 2: Education
๐: Meet You Where You R ๐: Lauren Chadwick ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: Data Science Education In 2022 ๐: Carl Howe cdhowe, Greg Wilson gvwilson ๐: Github ๐: pdf ๐ฅ:
๐: Data Science Education As An Economic And Public Health Intervention In East Baltimore ๐: Jeff Leek jtleek ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: Of Teacups, Giraffes, & R Markdown ๐: Desiree De Leon dcossyle ๐: web ๐: ๐ฅ:
11:30 Session 1, Track 3: Production
๐: Deploying End-To-End Data Science With Shiny, Plumber, And Pins ๐: Alex Gold alexkgold ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: Weโre Hitting R A Million Times A Day So We Made A Talk About It ๐: Heather Nolis heatherklus, Jacqueline Nolis skyetetra ๐: Put R in Prod ๐: pdf ๐ฅ:
๐: Growth Hacking With R - Product Analytics At Scale Using R And RStudio ๐: Andrew Mangano ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: Practical Plumber Patterns ๐: James Blair ๐: blairj09/ppp ๐: pdf ๐ฅ:
11:30 Session 1, Track 4: Programming
๐: Simplified Data Quality Monitoring Of Dynamic Longitudinal Data: A Functional Programming Approach ๐: Jacqueline Gutman dynamicdataduo ๐: ๐: pdf ๐ฅ:
๐: Vctrs: Creating Custom Vector Classes With The Vctrs Package ๐: Jesse Sadler vivalosburros ๐: ๐: pdf ๐ฅ:
๐: Asynchronous Programming In R ๐: Winston Chang winston_chang ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: Azure Pipelines And GitHub Actions ๐: Jim Hester jimhester_ ๐: ๐: speakerdeck ๐ฅ:
14:15 Session 2, Track 1: Community
๐: If You Build It, They Will Come...But Then What? Facilitating Communities Of Practice In R ๐: Kate Hertweck k8hert ๐: ๐: slideshare ๐ฅ:
๐: Embracing R In The Geospatial Community ๐: Tina Cormier TinaACormier ๐: ๐: pdf ๐ฅ:
๐: The Development Of "Datos" Package For The R4DS Spanish Translation ๐: Riva Quiroga rivaquiroga ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: R: Then And Now ๐: Jared Lander jaredlander ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
14:15 Session 2, Track 2: Finance
๐: 15 Years Of R In Quantitative Finance ๐: Brandon Farr ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: Deep Learning Extraction For Counterparty Risk Signals From A Corpus Of Millions Of Documents ๐: Moody Hadi ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: Rpanda Trading Simulation - From An Idea To A Multi-User Shiny App ๐: Nima Safaian ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly: What I Learned While Consulting Across The Business As A Data Scientist ๐: Ben Barnard ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: Making The Shiny Contest ๐: Mine รetinkaya-Rundel minebocek ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: Styling Shiny Apps With Sass And Bootstrap 4 ๐: Joe Cheng jcheng ๐: ๐: speakerdeck ๐ฅ:
๐: Reproducible Shiny Apps With Shinymeta ๐: Carson Sievert cpsievert ๐: keynote ๐: pdf ๐ฅ:
16:00 Session 3, Track 1: Case Study
๐: Journalism With RStudio, R, And The Tidyverse ๐: Larry Fenn ๐: ๐: ๐ฅ:
๐: Putting The Fun In Functional Data: A Tidy Pipeline To Identify Routes In NFL Tracking Data ๐: Dani Chu chuurveg ๐: project ๐: google slides ๐ฅ:
๐: R + Tidyverse In Sports ๐: Namita Nandakumar ๐: ๐: google slides ๐ฅ:
๐: Spruce Up Your Ggplot2 Visualizations With Formatted Text ๐: Claus Wilke ClausWilke ๐: ๐: slideshare ๐ฅ:
๐: The Little Package That Could: Taking Visualizations To The Next Level With The Scales Package ๐: Dana Seidel dpseidel ๐: ๐: xaringan ๐ฅ:
๐: Extending Your Ability To Extend Ggplot2 ๐: Thomas Lin Pedersen thomasp85 ๐: ๐: keynote ๐ฅ:
๐: List-Columns In Data.Table: Reducing The Cognitive And Computational Burden When Working With Comple ๐: Tyson Barrett healthandstats ๐: ๐: pdf ๐ฅ: