D3D11 Hook Wallhack x86/x64
- How to log models:
- run the game, inject dll, press insert for menu
- press F9 to see which drawing function is called by the game
- select DeleteTexture
- select Stride and use the slider till an enemy model/texture disappears
- press END to log the values of that model/texture to log.txt
- add that Stride number to your model recognition, example if(Stride == 32)
- next log IndexCount of that model Stride
- add IndexCount to your model rec, example if(Stride == 32 && IndexCount == 10155) etc.
Credits: dracorx, evolution536, test4321, Momo5000
Here is the old version with FW1FontWrapper and MinHook: https://github.com/DrNseven/D3D11-Wallhack/tree/acc8e259e813da2e9d7ad6a39f6fcefaf1de1800