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  • Created over 6 years ago
  • Updated about 6 years ago


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Customizable and easy to use expandable button in Swift.


Swift 4.2 CocoaPods compatible Packagist


  • iOS 9.0+


  • Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ExpandableButton'

#for swift less than 4.2 use:
pod 'ExpandableButton', '~> 1.0.0'
  • Add use_frameworks! to your Podfile.
  • Run pod install.
  • Add to files:
import ExpandableButton  


You can init ExpandableButton with frame (default is .zero), direction (default is .right) and items (each item will be button). direction is opening direction. items is [ExpandableButtonItem] whiches contain information about future buttons. Diretions example:

let rightButton = ExpandableButtonView(frame: frame, direction: .right, items: items)
let leftButton = ExpandableButtonView(frame: frame, direction: .left, items: items)
let upButton = ExpandableButtonView(frame: frame, direction: .up, items: items)
let downButton = ExpandableButtonView(frame: frame, direction: .down, items: items)

Items with image and action:

// create items with images and actions
let items = [
        image: UIImage(named: "delete"), 
        action: {_ in
        image: UIImage(named: "edit"),
        action: {_ in
        image: UIImage(named: "share"), 
        action: { _ in
// create ExpandableButton
let buttonView = ExpandableButtonView(items: items)
buttonView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 60, height: 60)
buttonView.backgroundColor = .white

With image, highlightedImage, imageEdgeInsets:

let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 16, left: 16, bottom: 16, right: 16)
// create items with image, highlighted image, image insets.        
let items = [
        image: UIImage(named: "delete"),
        highlightedImage: UIImage(named: "highlightedDelete"),
        imageEdgeInsets: insets,
        action: {_ in

arrowWidth, separatorWidth and cornerRadius:

buttonView.arrowWidth = 2
buttonView.separatorWidth = 2
buttonView.layer.cornerRadius = 30

Custom icons for open and close actions, closeOpenImagesInsets:

// custom open and close images
buttonView.openImage = UIImage(named: "open")
buttonView.closeImage = UIImage(named: "close")
buttonView.closeOpenImagesInsets = insets

With attributedTitle, highlightedAttributedTitle and custom item size:

// with attributed string, highlighted attributed string, custom size.
let items = [
        attributedTitle: NSAttributedString(
            string: "Attributed Text",
            attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor.red]
        highlightedAttributedTitle: NSAttributedString(
            string: "Attributed Text",
            attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor.green]
        size: CGSize(width: 160, height: 60)

With attributedTitle under image (using contentEdgeInsets, titleEdgeInsets, imageEdgeInsets, titleAlignment, imageContentMode, size):

let attributedTitle =  NSAttributedString(
    string: "Share",
    attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor.black,
                 .font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)]

let highlightedAttributedTitle =  NSAttributedString(
    string: "Share",
    attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor.lightGray,
                 .font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)]

let items = [
        image: UIImage(named: "share"),
        highlightedImage: UIImage(named: "haglightedShare"),
        attributedTitle: attributedTitle,
        highlightedAttributedTitle: highlightedAttributedTitle,
        contentEdgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 6, left: 6, bottom: 6, right: 6),
        titleEdgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 24, left: -200, bottom: 0, right: 0),
        imageEdgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 6, left: 0, bottom: 24, right: 0),
        size: CGSize(width: 80, height: 60),
        titleAlignment: .center,
        imageContentMode: .scaleAspectFit

You can also open() and close():

let buttonView = ExpandableButtonView(items: items)


All options

Name Type Default value Description
direction Direction .right Opening direction. Could be .left, .right, .up, .down. Set only on init(frame:direction:items:).
state State .closed Current state. Could be .opened, .closed or .animating.
animationDuration TimeInterval 0.2 Opening, closing and arrow animation duration.
closeOnAction Bool false If true call close() after any item action.
isHapticFeedback Bool true Turn on haptic feedback (Taptic engine)
arrowInsets UIEdgeInsets top: 12 left: 12 bottom: 12 right: 12 Arrow insets.
arrowWidth CGFloat 1 Arrow line width.
arrowColor UIColor UIColor.black Arrow color.
closeOpenImagesInsets UIEdgeInsets .zero Insets for custom close and open images.
closeImage UIImage? nil Custom close image.
openImage UIImage? nil Custom open image.
isSeparatorHidden Bool false If true hide separator view.
separatorColor UIColor UIColor.black Separator color.
separatorInset CGFloat 8 Separator inset from top, bottom for .left, .right directions and from left, right for up, down.
separatorWidth CGFloat 1 Separator view width.
Name Type Default value Description
image UIImage? nil Image for .normal state.
highlightedImage UIImage? nil Image for .highlighted state.
attributedTitle NSAttributedString? nil Attributed string for .normal state.
highlightedAttributedTitle NSAttributedString? nil Attributed string for .highlighted state.
contentEdgeInsets UIEdgeInsets .zero contentEdgeInsets for UIButton
titleEdgeInsets UIEdgeInsets .zero titleEdgeInsets for UIButton.
imageEdgeInsets UIEdgeInsets .zero imageEdgeInsets for UIButton.
size CGSize? nil UIButton size for current item. If nil will be equal to arrow button size.
titleAlignment NSTextAlignment .center titleAlignment for titleLabel in UIButton.
imageContentMode UIViewContentMode .scaleAspectFit imageContentMode for imageView in UIButton.
action (ExpandableButtonItem) -> Void {_ in} Action closure. Calls on .touchUpInside
identifier String "" Identifier for ExpandableButtonItem.

You can also use ArrowButton (button which can drow left, right, up and down arrows using core graphics, just call showLeftArrow(), showRightArrow(), showUpArrow() or showDownArrow()) and ActionButton (simple UIButton but with actionBlock propertie which calls on .touchUpInside) in your projects.


ExpandableButton is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.