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💻 C++ Functional Terminal User Interface. ❤️Diagon
Interactive ASCII art diagram generators. 🌟json-tui
A JSON terminal UI made in C++OpenGL_CMake_Skeleton
❤️ A ready to use cmake skeleton using GLFW, Glew and glm. 👍git-tui
Collection of human friendly terminal interface for git.smk
SMK - Simple multimedia kit - C++ WebAssemblyrgb-tui
Create and get colors code from the terminal using a nice interface.nlohmann_json_cmake_fetchcontent
A lightweight Release-tracking repository for nlohmann/json. Suitable for CMake fetchcontent. Automatically upgraded every weeks.ftxui-starter
A starter project using the FTXUI librarysmkflow
A C++ dataflow node editor -- Compatible with WebAssembly.asm-dom-cmake
Virtual dom for C++ using asm-dom and cmakeFluidScripten
HTML fluid simulation using Emscripten, C++, cmake.CppBot
Portable C++ tools for bot creations : keyboard and mouse event generations, screen capture !chrome-log-beautifier
Make Chrome log fancy. Demultiplex by process/thread + colorize.termBreaker
[Starter project] web server & client. Fully C++/WebAssembly. Server runs on google cloud function. Client uses a C++ virtual dom.IceMaze
WebAssembly game: a sliding block adventure.light-flow-editor
A raytracer of implicit geometry bundled with a Node based editor.ANTLR-cmake-starter
❤️ A ready to use CMake + ANTLR simple starter with not dependencies. 👍InTheCube
The webassembly port of InTheCubepigami
A rolling block gamecmake-Qt5-example
A simple example with Qt 5 and CMakeOpenGL_CMake_Skeleton_WebAssembly
❤️ A ready to use cmake OpenGL skeleton supporting WebAssembly using GLFW, Glew and glm. 👍postwimp
Volumic 3D paintingsmk-starter
A starter project for the SMK library.neovim-configuration
my personal neovim configurationlearn-webgpu
❤️ A ready to use CMake + ANTLR + Emscripten (WebAssembly) simple starter with not dependencies. 👍gn
Mirror of the GN build system repository. Updated daily.
Mirror of the dawn (WebGPU) repository. Updated daily.wasm-simd-instruction-list
TP d'animation 3DTerra
A 3D world constructor using C++, OpenGL and SFMLchromiumos-platform2
Mirror of the chromiumos/platform2 repository. Updated daily.wgpu-starter
Saving of my first working webgpu project in C++neural-webgpu
Testing webgpu for building neural networks.EnsimagZenithPlus
Script Greasmonkey apportant diverses améliorations au ZENITH de l'Ensimag.ftxui-window
💥 An example with asm-dom (virtual HTML dom with C++)Parallel
A 2D game about the same character in 2 different parallale world. You play both of them at the same
My vim configurationPartitionAlloc
Mirror of the chromium partition_alloc repository. Updated daily.webgpu-dawn-cmake-test
I am testing dawn -
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