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A Vim plugin which shows git diff markers in the sign column and stages/previews/undoes hunks and partial hunks.puremourning/vimspector
vimspector - A multi-language debugging system for Vimairblade/vim-rooter
Changes Vim working directory to project root.gregsexton/gitv
gitk for Vim.scrooloose/vimfiles
The ~/.vim directory that we share at worktakac/vim-hardtime
Plugin to help you stop repeating the basic movement keysbookercodes/dotfiles
🎚 Configuration files for macOS and Linuxscrooloose/snipmate-snippets
A collection of snippets for snipmateRigellute/rigel
🌌 Colorscheme for vim, terminal, vscode and slack - based on the star Rigel ✨.DamZiobro/vim-ide
VIM configured as powerful IDE (Integrated Development Environment)nelstrom/dotfiles
My dotfiles. Mainly customisations for Vim and Bash.scrooloose/vim-slumlord
Inline previews for Plantuml sequence diagrams. OMG!nelstrom/vim-textobj-rubyblock
A custom text object for selecting ruby blocks.tomnomnom/dotfiles
.vimrc, .bashrc etcgregsexton/MatchTag
Vim's MatchParen for HTML tagsjoonty/vim-phpqa
PHP QA tools for Vimshumphrey/fugitive-gitlab.vim
A vim extension to fugitive.vim for GitLab supportbeloglazov/vim-online-thesaurus
A Vim plugin for looking up words in an online thesaurusRigellute/shades-of-purple.vim
Dark theme for vimOlical/vim-enmasse
Edit every line in a quickfix list at the same timesedm0784/vim-you-autocorrect
Why should smartphones get all the fun?henrik/vim-indexed-search
Show "Match 123 of 456 /search term/" in Vim searches. By Yakov Lerner.krisajenkins/vim-pipe
Send a vim buffer through a command and instantly see the output.krisleech/vimfiles
Ruby/Rails centric vimfiles with support for Git, RVM and more.PacktPublishing/Mastering-Vim
Mastering Vim, published by Packtciaranm/detectindent
Vim script for automatically detecting indent settingsmswift42/vim-themes
some emacs themes ported to vim.ciaranm/inkpot
Inkpot 88/256 Colour Scheme for Vimvenantius/vim-cljfmt
A Vim plugin for cljfmt, the Clojure formatting tool.nicwest/vim-http
simple vim plugin to make http requests from bufferslukerandall/haskellmode-vim
An unpacked copy of the haskellmode vimball. Ping me if it needs updating.z0mbix/vim-shfmt
Vim plugin for shfmt (
An SQL wrapper for vimurbainvaes/vim-remembrall
For forgetful vim usersIntegralist/ProVim
Repository to hold dotfiles and scripts specific to ProVimjvirtanen/vim-hcl
Syntax highlighting for HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)kylef/apiblueprint.vim
This vim plugin brings syntax highlighting and linting for API Blueprint.kkvh/vim-docker-tools
Toolkit for managing docker containers, networks and images in vim.ciaranm/securemodelines
A secure alternative to Vim modelinesNew-Bamboo/Hermes
An environment for Ruby and JS developers in Darwincsswizardry/dotfiles
Starting small… my dotfiles for a few things.nicwest/QQ.vim
Vim wrapper over curl for REST explorationIntegralist/vim-mypy
Vim plugin for executing Python's optional static type checker MyPy (
A vim plugin for highlighting and indenting JST/EJS syntaxurbainvaes/vim-tmux-pilot
Unified navigation of splits and tabs in nvim and tmuxrjohnsondev/vim-compiler-go
Vim compiler plugin for Go (golang)venantius/vim-eastwood
A Vim plugin for Clojure's Eastwood linterMatt-A-Bennett/vim-surround-funk
A Vim plugin to manipulate function callsMilesCranmer/gso
🏃 Google StackOverflow in Vim. Copy-pastes the code directly in your script.nims11/vim-nano
Mighty nano inside a vimshapeshed/dotfiles
My dotfilestakac/vim-spotifysearch
Search spotify in Vim and play songs.henrik/vim-ruby-runner
Vim plugin to execute Ruby into an output buffer, similar to ⌘R in TextMate.urbainvaes/vim-ripple
Minimalist plugin to interact with a REPLbeloglazov/vim-textobj-quotes
A Vim plugin providing text objects for the closest pairs of quotes of any typesdiehl/haskell-vim-proto
Basic starter config for Vim and Haskellnelstrom/vim-mac-classic-theme
A port of the Mac Classic theme from TextMate to Vim. Because everyone needs a decent light theme for special occasions.joonty/myvim
My personal Vim configurationmkarmona/colorsbox
Vim's default colour schemejoonty/vim-sauce
Multiple source file management for Vimnicwest/vim-camelsnek
Convert between camel and snek case (and kebab case)Integralist/Fresh-Install
These are my own instructions for a fresh laptop/mac installsudhindrasajjal/dotfiles
My personal dotfilesnelstrom/vim-qargs
A Vim plugin that adds a :Qargs utility command, for populating the argument list from the files in the quickfix list.ibab/dotfiles
🔧 My configuration files.benwainwright/fzf-project
A vim plugin to make project switching easier using fzf.vimTetralux/odin.vim
Vim syntax highlighting for Ginger Bill's programming language, Odin. Derived from jansedivy's jai.vim.williamjameshandley/vimteractive
Send commands from text to interactive programscharlespascoe/vim-go-syntax
Fast, 'tree-sitter'-like Vim Syntax Highlighting for Gojoereynolds/place.vim
Enter pieces of text without movingairblade/dotvim
How I configure the one true text editor.scrooloose/snippets
A bunch of snippets to use with NERD Snippetskrisajenkins/vim-projectlocal
Per-project .vimrc files.sdiehl/vim-ormolu
Plugin for formatting Haskell source codeSevereOverfl0w/vim-replant
A bag of goodies for working with a Clojure REPLdixonary/vimty
A vim typewriternicwest/vim-workman
vim bindings for the workman keyboard layout, because I'm bad at langmapLukeChannings/dotfiles
Luke's .configfelixr/vim-multiedit
multi-editing for vimlucidstack/ctrlp-mpc.vim
Control MPD from vim, through mpc, with ctrlp!scrooloose/nerdtree-project-plugin
Proof of concept for project pluginArkham/dotfiles.nix
Dotfiles super-powered by Nix and home-managerazadkuh/vim-cmus
vim-cmus: control cmus music player directly from vimnelstrom/vim-blackboard
A port of the Blackboard theme from TextMate to Vim.joonty/vim-taggatron
Tag file manager for Vimkylef/dotfiles
kylef's dotfilechamindra/marvim
MARVIM - MAcro Repository for VIM "Give your most complex macros a name and store it for future recall and use"nelsyeung/twig.vim
Twig syntax highlighting, indentation, neocomplete and UltiSnips snippets in Vimbeloglazov/vimrc
My Vim configurationjim-at-jibba/ariake-vim-colors
My dotfiles - managed by yadm.ioairblade/vim-matchquote
A Vim plugin to provide %-style motion for single / double quotation marks, backticks and pipe.Olical/vim-expand
Expand things like {foo,bar}, {1..10} and $HOME inline with a single commandkbenzie/vim-spirv
A vim plugin for the Khronos Group's SPIR-V standard.gregsexton/Muon
Vim color scheme that draws heavy influence from the Emacs theme, Charcoal Black.henrik/vim-reveal-in-finder
Reveal the current file in the OS X Finder.Olical/vim-scheme
Interact with MIT Scheme from Neovim (deprecated, use Conjure instead!)airblade/vim-localorie
A Vim plugin for easy look-up of translations for Rails i18n YAML keys.gregsexton/Atom
Vim color scheme designed to be very readable in both light and dark environments.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us