Discover Japan's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Japan.
Coverage report tool for Elixir with integration.parroty/exvcr
HTTP request/response recording library for elixir, inspired by VCR.parroty/extwitter
Twitter client library for elixir.zhyu/nadia
Telegram Bot API Wrapper written in Elixirparroty/excheck
Property-based testing library for Elixir (QuickCheck style).falood/file_system
Filesystem monitor for elixirma2gedev/power_assert_ex
Power Assert in Elixir. Shows evaluation results each expression.melpon/memoize
A method caching macro for elixir using CAS on ETS.parroty/exprof
A simple code profiler for Elixir using eprof.falood/exsync
Yet another elixir reloader.norbusan/elixir-debian
Debian packaging of ElixirSebastianSzturo/countries
Collection of Country Information for Elixir.ikeikeikeike/sitemap
Sitemap is the easiest way to generate Sitemaps in Elixir.sasagawa888/deeppipe2
Deep Learning library using GPU(CUDA/cuBLAS)keichan34/exfile
File upload persistence and processing for Phoenix / Plugparroty/exfirebase
An elixir library for accessing the Firebase REST API.lyokato/riverside
Elixir Library: Simple WebSocket Server Frameworknbw/figmex
Figmex: Making Figma distributed with Elixir (proof of concept).nbw/gems
A music sequencer on a distributed cluster. Written with Phoenix LiveViewtashirosota/ecto_cellar
π·Store changes to your models, for auditing or versioning.Βdvcrn/chatgpt-ui
ChatGPT UI with auth, OpenAI, Claude, Gemini support, written in Elixir + LiveViewshufo/fcmex
A Firebase Cloud Message client for Elixirchvanikoff/apns4ex
APNS for Elixirmururu/msgpack-elixir
MessagePack Implementation for Elixir /[Elixir]SebastianSzturo/kaisuu
Japan's Kanji Usage on Twitter in Realtimedvcrn/ex_openai
Auto-generated Elixir SDK for OpenAI APIs with full typespecs, docs and streaming supportdvcrn/binance.ex
Autogenerated Elixir wrapper for the Binance public APIchvanikoff/reph
React/Redux + Phoenix (Elixir)shufo/log_viewer
An Web based Log Viewer for Elixir and PhoenixKazuCocoa/http_proxy
http proxy with Elixir. wait request with multi port and forward to each URIsparroty/oauth2ex
An OAuth 2.0 client library for elixir.mururu/mongoex
Elixir ODM-like module for MongoDBxflagstudio/requiem
WebTransport (over HTTP/3) framework for Elixirne-sachirou/stream_gzip
Gzip or gunzip an Elixir streamSullysMustyRuby/active_memory
A companion for Mnesia and ETSparroty/exprintf
A printf / sprintf library for Elixir. It works as a wrapper for :io.format.shufo/ex_doc_refined
A refined document viewer for Elixir and Phoenixnbw/jisho_elixir
A Japanese dictionary API; a wrapper around Jisho's API (
Deploy local code changes to the remote node(s) in a hot-code-swapping mannerchatgris/funnel
Streaming Elixir API built upon ElasticSearch's percolation.ikeikeikeike/phoenix_html_simplified_helpers
Some helpers for phoenix html( truncate, time_ago_in_words, number_with_delimiter, url_for, current_page? )ImNotAVirus/elvengard_network
MMORPG Game Server toolkit written in Elixir # Networkbearice/elixir-docker
Docker API bindings in Elixirlyokato/redlock
Elixir Library: Redis Distributed Lock implementationikeikeikeike/esx
A client for the Elasticsearch with Ecto, written in ElixirKazuCocoa/ex_parameterized
This library support parameterized test with test_with_params macro.woxtu/elixir-mbcs
Wrapper for erlang-mbcsnbw/qrusty
Elixir QR Code library that leverages precompiled Rustera/pay
Pay is an Elixir Lib to deal with Paypal and other payment solutions.falood/mem
KV cache with TTL, Replacement and Persistence supportsasagawa888/Elxlog
Prolog interpreter/compilerincrements/react_phoenix
Phoenix Template Engine for React (WIP)ma2gedev/breadcrumble_ex
Elixir lang port of Breadcrumblene-sachirou/inner_cotton
Collection of recommended Elixir check utilities, and mix tasks to help initializing and maintaining OSS/production codes.guofei/embedchat
A growth hacking service that you can live chat with visitors on your websitehirocaster/surge
Amazon DynamoDB for Elixirenpedasi/Mojiex
Japanese strings - Wide/Half "Kana" characters Conversion Library for ElixirJoe-noh/tane
Jet is a simple OOP, dynamically typed, functional language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM). Jet's syntax is Ruby-like syntax.nakagami/firebirdex
Elixir database driver for Firebirdtashirosota/ex-r_enum
πEnum extended with convenient functions inspired by Ruby and Rails ActiveSupport.k1complete/qlc
Query Interface to Mnesia, ETS, Dets, etcen30/hotwire-phoenix-demo-chat
A Phoenix Channels client library for Elixir.mururu/rafute
An implementation of Raft Consensus Algorithm in Elixiryoavlt/one_signal
Elixir wrapper of OneSignalyujikawa/numexy
numexy is a library like Python's numpy. It is a library for matrix calculation.ohr486/ErlangElixirFestHandsOn
tokyo.ex elixir handson demo appohr486/tokyoex_handson_demo
tokyo.ex phoenix handson demo appne-sachirou/ex_komachi_heartbeat
π Vital monitoring Elixir Web application.πarchseer/elixir.nvim
A repackage of awetzel/vim-elixir with only the neovim bits + support for deoplete.mururu/elixir-mustache
Mustache for Elixirniku/ff_stack_chat_example
A chat example build on FF(Elixir/Phoenix/Mithril) Stackma2gedev/luhn_ex
Luhn algorithm in Elixirlyokato/the_end
Elixir Library: provides a graceful shutdown support for your Phoenix, or plain Plug applicationbearice/elixir-radius
RADIUS Protocol on Elixirshufo/cdn
CDN Assets Manager for Elixirfalood/eio
elixir server of engine.iokeichan34/b2_client
Backblaze B2 client for Elixirotoyo/zen_ex
Zendesk REST API client for Elixirohr486/ErlangElixirFestHandsOn2019
A Collaborative real-time markdown editor implemented in Elixir.ThaddeusJiang/chr
The commands history report CLIline/clova-cek-sdk-elixir
SDK of the Clova CEK for Elixirfaithandbrave/excelion
Excel (xlsx) file reader for Elixirtashirosota/attr_reader
πΒ Handle readers easierikeikeikeike/exkanji
A Elixir library for translating between hiragana, katakana, romaji, kanji and sound. It uses Mecab.deadcheat/erande
Lisp1.5 interpreter/compierdvcrn/slack-thread-summarizer
GPT powered slack bot for summarizing/acting on messages and threads, written in Elixirarkadiyk/surface_rich_components
Collection of headless JS components for SurfaceUIma2gedev/mix-star
Elixir Mix task to starring GitHub repository with `mix deps.get`ting dependent libraryparroty/http_server
A simple and self-contained HTTP Server for
Read only data store for Elixir: fast, concurrently, for large data & hot reloadable.aktsk/gcp_auth
GCP(Google Cloud Platform) auth library using Application Default Credentials for Elixir.nekova/metainvestigator
A library for web scraping, inspired by MetaInspectorsgeos/simplex_noise
An original elixir simplex noise implementation. Elixir translations of a couple of Java reference implementations are also included.falood/queuex
Elixir Priority Queuehagiyat/eredisx
Eredisx is a library for writing in Elixir seems syntax an API of Redis.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us