Discover India's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of India.
This is a parallax for the cells inside UICollectionView. It gives us an effect just like scrolling the images in Whatsapp or scrolling through the Weather app for iOSmukyasa/MMCamScanner
Simulation of CamScanner app With Custom Camera and Crop Rect ValidationGnosisHub/GHWalkThrough
A UICollectionView backed drop-in component for introduction viewsayushgoel/AGEmojiKeyboard
Emoji Keyboard for iOSprscX/react-native-app-tour
React Native: Native App Tour Libraryhackiftekhar/IQAudioRecorderController
A drop-in universal library allows to record audio within the app with a nice User Interface.getappbox/AppBox-iOSAppsWirelessInstallation
AppBox is a tool for iOS developers to deploy Development, Ad-Hoc, and In-house (Enterprise) applications directly to the devices from your Dropbox account. Check WebServices Status -
Extension of TextFieldEffects with Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Objective-Chackiftekhar/IQMediaPickerController
Audio Image Video Picker ControllerGnosisHub/GHContextMenu
Pinterest like context menu control for iOSsibahota059/SPHChatCollectionView
SPHChatCollectionView to use in chat screens. (Supports iOS 8)prateek147/DVIA
Damn Vulnerable iOS App (DVIA) is an iOS application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goal is to provide a platform to mobile security enthusiasts/professionals or students to test their iOS penetration testing skills in a legal environment. This application covers all the common vulnerabilities found in iOS applications (following OWASP top 10 mobile risks) and contains several challenges that the user can try. This application also contains a section where a user can read various articles on iOS application security. This project is developed and maintained by @prateekg147. The vulnerabilities and solutions covered in this app are tested upto iOS 8.1 .mukyasa/MMPaper
MMPaper [Inspired From Paper by Facebook, Approach to simulate Paper appbalram3429/BTSimpleSideMenu
This is a simple side menu for iOSReefaq/FlipView
Magazine Style View/Layout like Flipboardmayuur/MJTransitionEffect
Transition from UITableViewCell to Detail Controller with animation on ENTER and EXIT. This can be seen in multiple apps. Right now, it is totally customizable. There are 3 sections for these animations : (1). Initially set frames for all UI elements (2). Now the animation on ENTER is completed and you have to set the frames according to the Detail UI you need. (3). This is the section where EXIT animation will apply. These frames will be equal to the frames which were initially set. However, all these sections are totally CUSTOMIZABLE and user can set it according to their own needs!nihalsharma/Clock-Bar
Macbook | Clock, right on the touch bargiridharvc7/VCFloatingActionButton
A Floating Action Button just like Google inbox for iOSmayuur/MJAlertView
Simple automatic Dismissible Alert with minor 3D Transforms. Produces an effect similar to Saavn's dismissible Alertsmukyasa/MMGooglePlayNewsStand
To Simulate iOS Google Play NewsStand appRATTLESNAKE-VIPER/GLGooglePlusLikeLayout
An autocomplete textfield for iOS which provides suggestions as you type. The textfield can be configured to ensure that a selection is compulsorily made from the list of suggestions and gives you control over the size of the popover showing suggestions based on the text entered by the user.pradeep1991singh/react-native-secure-key-store
React Native Library for securely storing keys to iOS KeyChain and Android KeyStore.npctech/Tattle-UI-iOS
Tattle UI control library for IOShsusmita/ResponsiveLabel
ActionSheet with UIPickerViewyatinsns/HPGrowingTextView
This is a custom button with Ripple effectdhirajjadhao/Newly
Newly is a drop in solution to add Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin style, new updates/tweets/posts available button. It can be used to notify user about new content availability and can other actions can be triggers using its delegate method.prscX/react-native-fluidic-slider
React Native: Native Fluidic Slidernitishmakhija/EasyTipView
Objective-C alternative for EasyTipView implemented in swiftbalram3429/btSimplePopUp
Effective way of using AVSpeechSynthesizerprscX/react-native-styled-dialogs
React Native: Native Styled Dialogshackiftekhar/IQScreenRuler
Screen Ruler - Pixel Perfect Screenshot RulerChintan-Dave/UIImageScanlineFloodfill
This is an Objective-C implementation of Scanline Flood Fill Algorithm.pavanpodila/PieChart
Animated Pie Chart using Custom CALayerarunvelsriram/docker-time-sync-agent
docker-time-sync-agent is a tool to prevent time drift in Docker for Mac's HyperKit VM.sibahota059/SPHChatBubble
Sphchatbubble to use in chat screens.prscX/react-native-siri-wave-view
React Native: Native Siri Wave Viewskavinvarnan/Cross-Platform-AES
Simple cross-platform encryption and decryption using AESantonyraphel/ARCarMovement
This is navigation example on google map. Here Marker move as vehicles moves with turns as uber does in their app. Using old and new coordinates animating bearing value the markers are moving.sagarshirbhate/Instagram-Feed-View
It is a demo view to show feeds as shown in Instagram.All actions(Like,comment,share,follow,etc..) are managed by blocks.sunilsharma08/IGCMenu
Grid and Circular Menu for iOS.mukyasa/MMTransitionEffect
This is Extension Of RSTransitionEffect(yeahdongcn) Transformed From (Frame based animation) to (Constraint Based Animation)nthloop/Objektiv
Objektiv is a utility that lets you switch your default browser easily.ErAbhishekChandani/ACFloatingTextfield
It is a subclass of UITextfield to Provide the floating label and customisations.KiranPatelSpaceo/KDropDownMultipleSelection
Single or multiple selection in dropdownlistjimmyjose-dev/TableViewCellFlip
Vertical and Horizontal flip animation for table view cellyuvirajsinh/YCameraView
Custom Camera ControllerBLPoonia/BLMultiColorLoader
Simple, easy to use, Multi coloured and customisable loading indicator (loader) for iOS applications.RATTLESNAKE-VIPER/GLMoveToTrashAnimation
Components that behave more consistently between IOS and Androidvikrantnegi/react-native-searchable-flatlist
React native Flatlist with search headerRATTLESNAKE-VIPER/GLGroupChatPicView
Approach to Simulate Pan Flip Like in Paper appZomato/DR-charts
Copy SQLite Database from www folder to default app database locationajith-ab/react-native-voip-call
Voip background and foreground call service for react nativevineetchoudhary/iOS-Universal-Links
Universal Links Demo Application (iOS + Web), iOS users can tap a link to your website and get seamlessly redirected to your installed app without going through Safari.YahyaBagia/YBHud
A simple Hud with DGActivityIndicatorViewpavanSaberjack/PIImageDoodler
App to take any picture from photo album and draw custom drawing and erase it.torryharris/TH-NavigationStack
A control that organizes multiple navigation controllers in a stack with search option in both the states.TheMrugraj/MVAutocompletePlaceSearchTextField
iOS - Subclass of UITextField to achieve autocompletion for Place Search like Google Places, Uber and Much more apps having maps.prscX/PXSiriWave9
iOS: Siri Waveform effect similar to 9AdityaDeshmane/iOSCustomPageControl
Android style page controlTheMrugraj/MVMaterialView
Subclass of UIControls and UIButton to mimic Ripple effect of Material Design concept.mukyasa/MMPaperGallery
Image Browser similar to Facebook Paper apphackiftekhar/IQGeometry
IQGeometry is the extension of CGGeometryITechRoof/ITRAirSideMenu
Air sidemenu drawer navigationparamaggarwal/react-native-global-event-emitter
Shared event emitter between native and JS for React Native.JayGajjar/JGStackCollectionView
Using Font Icon Set within Label to display weather iconhsusmita/GrowingTextViewHandler-objc
Completion block for UIImageView animationboobalaninfo/Bonjour-iOS-MAC-Apps
Exchange the data between iOS and MAC application using Bonjourchaitanyagupta/XCDataModelPrinter
Print a textual representation of xcdatamodel files so you can easily diff them -- primarily created for use with git-diffArpitLokwani/ALCollapsableTableView
Expanding/Collapsing TableView SectionsKrishnaPatell/KPDropMenu
KPDropMenu is an Objective-C port of HADropDown With Additional featuresajith-ab/react-native-file-share-intent
A react native Module For Receive Share Intent from other Appskarticodes/MetroCollectionLayout-ObjC
A metro style collection layout for iOS - Objective Cponnamkarthik/FlutterRtmpPlublisher
A Flutter Plugins that helps you to brodcast Live via RTMP right from your flutter applicationThavasidurai/TDResizerView
TDResizerView is used to resize and rotate the imageview with single fingerMohanAprdc/AMMessageComposer
Message Composersoumalya/iOS-Stepper-UI
This is a custom stepper control for iOS apps. This has been written with Objective-CDaemon-Devarshi/NibToXibConverter
Simple application to convert nib to xibsagarshirbhate/DynamicHeightForCollectionView
Simple solution for Dynamically adjust view as a blocks.Dynamically adjust height of collection view. No more White spaces.abhimuralidharan/ScreenCaptureDetector
Objective-C and swift code to check if the screen is getting recorded or mirrored in iOS.aryansbtloe/AksSegmentedSliderControl
UITextField Validator for iOSNirmalsinhRathod/CreolePhotoSelection
It will help to select one or multiple photos from Gallery as well as Camera.avish07/RichNotifications
Circular Ripple Animation For Activity & Other Purposedeepan/DSNestedAccordion
Nested Accordion view for iOSSystangoTechnologies/react-native-apple-authentication
React Native apple sign insibahota059/TwitterProfilePageBlurr
Twitterapp like Profile screen Image blurrark-brighthustle/flutter_zoom_sdk
Zoom SDK from ZOOM ported to flutter as plugin with all necessary features and with Null Safety which is implementation by CodeSyncrragdroid/Clayground
This project is a demo project to explore various frameworks with MVI pattern and to achieve maximum code sharing between different platforms.hackiftekhar/IQStickerView
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