Simple automatic Dismissible Alert with minor 3D Transforms. Produces an effect similar to Saavn's dismissible Alerts
Using it, is dead simple. Just add UIView+MJAlertView Category to your project and you are good to go!
- Showing a simple dismissible alert
[UIView addMJNotifierWithText:@"Hey there!" dismissAutomatically:YES];
- Showing a persistent alert
[UIView addMJNotifierWithText:@"This won't go. Click Dismiss to hide it!" dismissAutomatically:NO];
Animation speed, Transforming values, changing dimensions and doing any other customization is very easy. Just go to UIView+MJAlertView.m and modify it.
Follow me or ask questions or just say Hi! at Twitter : @mayuur
Usage is provided under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full details.