Discover France's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of France.
Pharo is a dynamic reflective pure object-oriented language supporting live programming inspired by Smalltalk.pharo-project/pharo-vm
This is the VM used by Pharopharo-project/pharo-launcher
Lets you manage your pharo images and download new oneslxsang/PTerm
Pyramid is a Graphical User-Interface (GUI) builder and editor for Bloc and Toplo.rko281/ReStoreForPharo
Relational database persistence for Pharo objectsbadetitou/Pharo-LanguageServer
A Language Server Protocol implementation in PharoOpenSmock/Molecule
Molecule is a Pharo component framework.jecisc/Chanel
I am a code cleaner for Pharo Smalltalksmartanvil/Fog
Pharo Ethereum Driverestebanlm/themes
A repository for alternative Pharo themesNormation/rudder-techniques
Rudder: built-in technique library to handle common configuration or audit tasksbadetitou/Pharo-LibVLC
Binding ffi of libvlc for Pharojecisc/GitBridge
Access resources and information from the git repository containing your project.bouraqadi/PharoMisc
Small utilities and librarieshogoww/Polyphemus
Visualisation of memory for Pharo images at the Virtual Machine levelestebanlm/crono
A GTD like application made in Pharoestebanlm/MUDClient
A client to play MUDs (The ones I play :P), made in Pharojecisc/TinyLogger
A really small logger for Pharo applications.jecisc/pharo-scripts
My personal settings for my Pharo imageslxsang/SystemProcess
Spawning Posix compatible system process and Dispatching tasks to multiple VMspharo-project/pharo-unicorn
Pharo bindings to the Unicorn machine code simulation libraryclementbera/wizard-battle-arena
This repository holds the code for the WizardBattleArena game.pharo-project/pharo-beacon
Beacon is a small event and logging framework for pharotesonep/pharo-vm-embedded-example
This repository have an example of how to create a PharoVM with an embedded image.jordanmontt/illimani-memory-profiler
A Memory Profiler for PharoOpenSmock/Penfeld
Penfeld is an User-Interface (UI) definition model framework for Pharo.tesonep/pharo-com
Keccak implementation for Pharo.clementbera/Scorch
Scorch is the in-image part of the Sista VM runtime compiler (It is an adaptive optimizer)olekscode/MLNeuralNetwork
Multi-layer neural network implemented in Pharopharo-project/threadedFFI-Plugin
A Threaded FFI plugin for Pharo. It extends the Cog VM with non blocking queue based FFI.estebanlm/TalkFFI
Automatic FFI generation for Pharoestebanlm/objcbridge
Yet another Pharo-ObjectiveC bridge, using UnifiedFFI as backendestebanlm/pharo-mastodon
a Pharo API for Mastodonnicolas-cellier-aka-nice/smallapack
A Linear Algebra Package for Smalltalk built upon LAPACKOpenSmock/Iconography
Use icons libraries (Material Design, Ant Design) in your project : Import, manage, get and store.badetitou/SmartTest
The goal of SmartTest is to provide to the developers the list of tests they should run after they modify their code. With this plugin installed, developers will save time and will develop in a better way (hopefully).smartanvil/SmartShackle
Smart visualizations for blockchainestebanlm/pharo-posix-signal
A simple implementation of signal C function.badetitou/Casino
Casino is a set of tool I'm developping to help developers migrate their applicationsclementbera/SpiderInvasion
Pharo video gameestebanlm/OmniBase
OmniBase is Smalltalk efficient objects repository, BTree and filesystem based with full ACID featurespharo-project/pharo-llvmDisassembler
Pharo bindings to the LLVM disassembler5aitama/Art-.3
Implementation of marching cubes algorithm using only Unity DOTS !jordanmontt/RewriteToolsSet
A set of tools that allows to do complex searches and code transformations using the refactoring engine in Pharo!pharo-project/pharo-minimal-scripts
an index system for the pharo systemestebanlm/pharo-cig
A tool to import C/C++ libraries into Pharopharo-project/pharo-update
A collection of the updates files used for the system-updates of Pharocdlm/pharo-storm
Small game framework and FFI bindings to Chipmunk2D physics libraryhogoww/PlainPharoCode
Allows Dolphin packages and fileouts to be loaded into Pharojecisc/SystemInteraction
I am a project to simplify system interactions in Pharotesonep/pharo-testWorkers
WebCopper is a Smalltalk web frameworkrko281/GitHub
GitHub for Dolphin Smalltalk 7.1rko281/ReStore
Relational database persistence for Dolphin Smalltalk objectstesonep/ParametrizedTests
ArbitraryPrecisionFloat - a library for performing floating point calculations with arbitrary precision in Smalltalkestebanlm/pharo-remoteinterface
The remote interface is a very simple framework to spawn and comunicate pharo processes (images), through the standard IOhogoww/Illicium
Translation from Pharo to CBenjaminVanRyseghem/Triton
A prototype of a new browser for Pharopharo-project/hermes
Xtream project fork. Migration to Pharo.estebanlm/pharo-twitter
A Pharo API for Twitterrko281/Seaside
Seaside 3.4 for Dolphin Smalltalk 7.1olekscode/AdventOfCode2018
My solutions to the puzzles of the Advent of Code 2018mathk/gst-lightning
A Smalltalk binding of GNU lightning. GNU lightning exposes a portable interface for generating machine language at run-time. GNU lightning is fast and tries to be as little intrusive as possible, so that the generated code can also be optimized easily. So far, it has been ported to the x86, SPARC and PowerPC architecture.oliveiraallex/PotMPU6050Device
Driver for I2C MPU6050 sensor written to Pharo (PharoThings)olekscode/IdentifierNameSplitter
A tool for splitting identifier names into separate words, numbers, and symbols. For example, 'aName_AST42:' gets separated into 'a', 'Name', '_', 'AST', '42', and ':'jecisc/Rules
Rules is a small model of rules that a model should not violate. It is able to compute the technical debt for a set of violations.olekscode/Function
Reification of a mathematical function as an object. Allows function arithmetics and function composition.pharo-project/pharo-vm-tunning
An small project to add some statistics generating code for used space and time for PharoOpenSmock/OpenSmock
Workshop and utilities to make applications, specialy user interfaces (UI), in Pharo.plantec/Ants
An ant family at workOpenSmock/PharoZeroMQ
ZeroMQ (ΓMQ, 0MQ or ZMQ) library for PharoNicolasAnquetil/RProjectConnector
RProjectConnector is a library providing a binding between Pharo and Rljulliar/smalltalk-80-sources
Source code of Smalltlak-80 VM form the Xerox Blue Book with correctionsbouraqadi/MyPrecious
A middleware framework to rule them all... according to Gollum ;-)estebanlm/dicebag
A small package to roll dices.mahugnon/CIMTicketsAnalyse
This project analyse a software tickets database to render a dashboard that gives indications about the productivity of developers and the project evolutionbouraqadi/BackTalkNG
Constraint Programming with Pharooliveiraallex/PotHCSR04
Package for gst to manipulate preferencesStevenCostiou/BreakpointNavigator
A tool to navigate and control breakpoints in Pharo.DamienCassou/pharo-jenkins
API to inspect Jenkins servers from Pharoalesshosry/MoTion
This is the repository of the new Modal Transformation library. It includes the Matching part, and in the future it will cover the Transformation part also.sbragagnolo/xmlrpc
Xml rpc serverpharo-project/PermSpaceSupport
a small tool to record discord channels (for a communications research project)estebanlm/libclang-pharo-bindings
Bindings for the libclang libraryhazemalsaied/IdenSys
I am a project providing a facade to help deploy pharo projectsLukwos/Test-Unity-Procedural-Map
Create a map with Unity 5 - Voxel Method - Marching Cubes - Chunkedolekscode/Flashcards
Flashcards for learning words in a foreign language based on a Leitner SystemNyan11/Stash
A serializer for PharoLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us