Discover China's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of China.
Emacs X Window Managerzerolfx/copilot.el
An unofficial Copilot plugin for Emacs.yjwen/org-reveal
Exports Org-mode contents to Reveal.js HTML presentation.tumashu/pyim
一个 emacs 中文输入法,支持全拼,双拼,五笔,仓颉和Rime,pyim 是 GNU elpa 包。xiaohanyu/oh-my-emacs
[Stopped] Provide an awesome, out-of-box, literate dotemacs for both newbies and nerds.tumashu/cnfonts
Emacs minor mode for making Anki cards with OrgwinterTTr/ace-jump-mode
a quick cursor jump mode for emacsJack47/hack-SysML
The road to hack SysML and become an system expertmanateelazycat/lazycat-emacs
Andy Stewart's emacshick/emacs-chinese
ivy-posframe is a ivy extension, which let ivy use posframe to show its candidate menu, ivy-posframe is a **GNU ELPA** package.manateelazycat/aweshell
Awesome shell extension base on eshell with wonderful features!tumashu/posframe
Pop a posframe (just a child-frame) at point, posframe is a **GNU ELPA** package!manateelazycat/snails
A modern, easy-to-expand fuzzy search frameworkmanateelazycat/awesome-tab
Emacs package to provide out-of-the-box configuration to use tabs.zweifisch/ob-http
make http request within org-mode babelmanateelazycat/awesome-tray
Hide mode-line, display necessary information at right of minibuffer.xcodebuild/blog-admin
Write blog in emacs with hexo/org-page/nikolach11ng/xelb
X protocol Emacs Lisp Bindingbaohaojun/org-jira
Bring Jira and OrgMode togethermanateelazycat/nox
Nox is a lightweight, high-performance LSP client for Emacsliuchengxu/dotfiles
🔩 Dotfiles for bash, zsh, tmux, emacs, vim, etcKinneyzhang/gkroam
A lightweight roam replica on top of emacs org-mode.jinzhu/zeal-at-point
Search the word at point with Zeal (Emacs)xcwen/ac-php
emacs auto-complete & company-mode for phpjixiuf/vterm-toggle
toggles between the vterm buffer and whatever buffer you are editing.martyr-deepin/deepin-emacs-2014
Customized emacs for deepin.dekuofa1995/MyNotes
My personal notes for learningzenozeng/yafolding.el
Yet another folding extension for Emacsmanateelazycat/color-rg
Search and refactoring tool based on ripgrep.twlz0ne/separedit.el
Edit comment or string/docstring or code block inside them in separate buffer with your favorite modemanateelazycat/mind-wave
Emacs AI plugin based on ChatGPT APIwenbinye/emacs-eim
Emacs Input Methodtumashu/company-posframe
Generate call graph for c/cpp functionsmanateelazycat/company-english-helper
English helper base on Emacs company-modeDewdrops/evil-exchange
Port of vim-exchangeImymirror/imy-emacs.d
my emacs configurationjinzhu/configure
My dot files for Emacs, Openbox, XMonad, VIM, Golang, Zsh/Bash, tmux, URXVT, ArchLinux, Git, Ruby/Rails, Xbindkey, Vrome...tumashu/org2web
A static site generator based on org-modemanateelazycat/insert-translated-name
Insert translated string as variable or function nameaborn/popkit-elpa
elpa popkit mirror in china.国内emacs包安装源SpringHan/netease-cloud-music.el
A netease music client for emacs.fasheng/elfeed-protocol
Provide extra protocols to make like Fever, NewsBlur, Nextcloud/ownCloud News and Tiny Tiny RSS work with elfeedredraiment/wechat.el
用Emacs Lisp开发的微信小游戏; Wechat game in Email Lisptumashu/exwm-x
A derivative WM based on EXWM (emacs x window manager)manateelazycat/awesome-pair
Auto parenthesis pairing with syntax tablehonmaple/emacs-maple-minibuffer
Show minibuffer with another framemanateelazycat/auto-save
Automatically save files without temporary files to protect your finger. ;)manateelazycat/blink-search
In the blink of an eye, the search is completethiefuniverse/blog-minimal
a simple static site generator based on org modeKinneyzhang/roam-block
An all-purpose block ref and block embed implement in emacs.manateelazycat/sdcv
Emacs interface for sdcv (Stardict console version)tumashu/el2org
Convert an emacs-lisp file to org fileleohxj/Arsenal
⚔️ 武器库,更新自己使用的软件与技巧。blahgeek/emacs-devdocs-browser
LSP Client for Emacs implemented as a module using rust.xhcoding/emacs-aichat
AI Chat in Emacs, including OpenAI and Bing Chatbrantou/emacs-go-tag
Edit field tags for golang struct fieldsxcodebuild/nlinum-relative
Emacs relative line number besed on nlinum-modetumashu/vertico-posframe
Build bridge between Emacs and Deno, execution of JavaScript and Typescript within Emacs.cliffwoo/LSP_CN
Linux System Programming ( Chinese Translation )Qquanwei/emacs-guess-word-game
emacs guess word game for learning ESL. Emacs 背单词jixiuf/vmacs
my .emacs.difree/org-onenote
Post org file to onenotedon9z/blackboard-theme
Port the color-theme-blackboard in emacs to it's own theming mechanismjixiuf/helm-etags-plus
etags interface for Helm on Emacsmanateelazycat/holo-layer
HoloLayer is a multimedia layer plugin designed specifically for Emacsmanateelazycat/grammatical-edit
Grammatical edit base on tree-sitterzweifisch/ollama
ollama client for Emacsmanateelazycat/thing-edit
Copy and paste anything under cursor.yanghaoxie/which-key-posframe
Let emacs-which-key use posframe to show its popup.jingtaozf/literate-elisp
Load Emacs Lisp code blocks from Org filescireu/jieba.el
query html document with css selectors in elispmanateelazycat/sort-tab
Smarter tab solution for Emacs, sort tab with using frequency.cnsunyour/.doom.d
doom-emacs private configurationKinneyzhang/pp-html
A html template language in Emacs-Lispkimim/kimim-emacs
my emacs init configuration filestshu-w/.emacs.d
My personal Emacs config, originally from Spacemacsbeacoder/stock-tracker
Track stock price in Emacsdoitian/iy-go-to-char
Go to next CHAR which is similar to "f" and "t" in vimneoheartbeats/.emacs.d
A simple setup for Emacs focusing on scientific writing in Org mode.xhcoding/doom-private
Doom Emacs的个人配置,主要针对C/C++开发twlz0ne/acm-terminal
Patch for LSP bridge acm on Terminallujun9972/podcaster
Emacs podcast clienttumashu/emacs-helper
(tumashu's emacs configure)zweifisch/ob-ansible
ansible ad-hoc commands in org-mode babel(or better devops with org-mode)cireu/counsel-ffdata
Use ivy interface to access your firefox bookmarks and history in Emacsdoitian/emacs.d
My emacs configtwlz0ne/elpl
Provides a simple interface to evaluating Emacs Lisp expressions but without contaminating current Emacs.tumashu/org2ctex
Export org to ctex (a latex macro for Chinese)Dewdrops/evil-extra-operator
Evil operator for evaluating codes, translating text, taking notes, searching via google, etc.KiteAB/kiteab-emacs
KiteAB Emacs - A Simple and Fast Emacs Configuration (NO LONGER SUPPORT)manateelazycat/instant-rename-tag
Instant rename tagKinneyzhang/twidget
An implement of widget library based on plain text.manateelazycat/python-bridge
Write Emacs Plugin by Python, split code from EAF.twlz0ne/nerd-fonts.el
Emacs nerd-fonts ( utilities.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us