Discover Canada's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Canada.
Vastly improved Javascript indentation and syntax support in Vim.ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags
A Vim plugin that manages your tag filesjpalardy/vim-slime
A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)tommcdo/vim-exchange
Easy text exchange operator for Vimfrancoiscabrol/ranger.vim
Ranger integration in vim and neovimfreitass/todo.txt-vim
Vim plugin for Todo.txttommcdo/vim-lion
A simple alignment operator for Vim text editoramacgregor/dot-files
Dotfiles repositoryjackguo380/vim-lsp-cxx-highlight
Vim plugin for C/C++/ObjC semantic highlighting using cquery, ccls, or clangdjuliosueiras/vim-terraform-completion
A (Neo)Vim Autocompletion and linter for Terraform, a HashiCorp toolroman/golden-ratio
Automatic resizing of Vim windows to the golden ratiosharksforarms/neovim-rust
Sample neovim and vim configurations for Rust developmentsodapopcan/vim-twiggy
Git branch management for Vimwlangstroth/vim-racket
vim bundle for Racketvivien/vim-linux-coding-style
Vim plugin to respect the Linux kernel coding style
vim plugin providing godef supportadoy/vim-php-refactoring-toolbox
VIM Php Refactoring Toolboxmartinda/Jenkinsfile-vim-syntax
Jenkinsfile DSL vim syntaxbigfish/vim-js-context-coloring
JavaScript Context Coloring in Vimcitizenlab/malware-signatures
Yara rules for malware families seen as part of targeted threats projectcolepeters/spacemacs-theme.vim
Spacemacs-flavoured colorscheme for Vim and iTermnotpratheek/vim-luna
Touchdown on Lunar Surface ! :)lfilho/cosco.vim
VIM colon and semicolon insertion blissmaxboisvert/vim-simple-complete
A dark colorschme for vim, ported from doom-emacs' doom-one theme.n0v1c3/vira
Create and update your Jira issues while inside Vim!tommcdo/vim-fubitive
Add Bitbucket URL support to fugitive.vim's :Gbrowse commandjpalardy/dotfiles
My collection of config files (shell, vim, …)ludovicchabant/vim-lawrencium
A Mercurial wrapper for Vim.idbrii/AsyncCommand
AsyncCommand allows you to execute shell commands without waiting for them to complete. When the application terminates, its output can be loaded into a vim buffer.huawenyu/neogdb.vim
## Project deprecated in favor of: new.vim + new-gdb.vimtommcdo/vim-ninja-feet
Strike from the cursor to either end of a text objectkdheepak/JuliaFormatter.vim
A (N)Vim plugin for formatting Julia code using JuliaFormatter.jl.romgrk/winteract.vim
Interactive window modejason0x43/vim-js-indent
Vim indenter for standalone and embedded JavaScriptxu-cheng/brew.vim
🍺 Vim Syntax for Homebrew formulaespike01/learning-vim
⚭ Advanced Neovim configuration for ruby/python/ops/react development ⚭jperras/dotfiles
Carefully crafted, curated and somewhat Python-oriented Vim development environmentbrantb/dotfiles
dotfiles heck yeahujihisa/config
irb, ghci, and anything else. in Vim.antoyo/vim-licenses
Vim Plugin that Provides Commands to Add Licenses at the Top of the Bufferhonza/dockerfile.vim
Syntax highlighting for Dockerfilesujihisa/quickrun
quick vim quicktommcdo/vim-express
Easily create custom Vim operators using expressions and substitutionstommcdo/vim-fugitive-blame-ext
Extend tpope/vim-fugitive to show commit message on statusline in :Gblamebeanworks/vim-phpfmt
PHP (phpcbf) auto format plugin for vimujihisa/unite-colorscheme
A unite.vim pluginrobbles/logstash.vim
highlights logstash configuration filesshazow/dotfiles
Some of my . files.christianrondeau/vim-base64
Vim plugin to encode/decode base64 stringszaid/vim-rec
GNU Recutils syntax highlighting support for Vimremi/dotfiles
All my dotfiles (vim, zsh, tmux, etc.) in a single placeexAspArk/dotfiles
Configs 🤘🤘🤘ujihisa/shadow.vim
That's not the file. That's shadow.JBKahn/provisioning-local
A repo to hold the setup process for a new machine so that I don't have to remember all this stuff.ujihisa/neoclojure.vim
Clojure completion/unite-source Vim plugin, using vital.ProcessManager and Leiningenevansalter/vim-checklist
Easily create and manipulate plain-text checklistsqstrahl/vim-matchmaker
Highlight matches for the word under the cursorromgrk/github-light.vim
Github colorscheme for vimbufbuild/vim-buf
Vim integration for Buf.romgrk/nvim
local rc files - feel free to explorena/django-vim
A set of vim plugins and settings for using vim to develop django.ujihisa/vimshell-ssh
the world first vimshell plugin that you can run "vim" command on ssh on vimshellidbrii/daveconfig
A collection of settings and tiny scripts for many things. Note: only main branch is safe!joedf/PlasticCodeWrap
a theme ported to over 20 code editors!NickBrisebois/dotfiles
Vim operator to search using Ag/Ack/CtrlSF/Ggrep/etc.dohsimpson/vim-macroeditor
Edit Vim macros with ease!ngemily/vim-vp4
A vim-perforce integration pluginlucasprag/simpleblack
A black colorscheme for vim, real black background, #000000tylerlum/vim_configuration
Vim configuration that signficantly improves the speed and usability of text editing.rafaelfranca/rtf_pygmentize
Syntax Highlighting to RTF for vimmarkstory/vim-files
My vim configurationkreskij/Repeatable.vim
Create repeat.vim mappings with one simple "Repeatable" commandnotpratheek/vim-sol
On the Path of Illumination ! :)vim-denops/denops-shared-server.vim
🎃 Vim plugin to help install/uninstall denops-shared-serverhonza/writer.vim
vim plugin for writing proseromgrk/searchReplace.vim
Search & Replace, simply & efficiently [neovim only]Dkendal/fzy-vim
A vim plugin to add commands for fzy inside of vim!sh-ubh/dotfiles
My *nix setuppangloss/vim-erlang
This repo has been superseded by the one at which is maintained by the original author. Move along, nothing more to see here!ujihisa/unite-locate
Indentation text-objects - give your old Vim some new bytes!thayerw/vimbrant
A vibrantly dark dark colour scheme for Vim and other terminal applicationsdmix/elvish.vim
Vim plugin for the Elvish programming language with syntax highlightingkevinjalbert/dotfiles
My dotfilesdharanasoft/rtf-highlight
Syntax Highlighting to RTF for vimhlissner/.vim
Did someone say... vim?romgrk/replace.vim
Replace operator for Vimtristen/superman
🎨 A dark theme for Vimchristianrondeau/vimcastle
A vim plug-in of adventure, fighting and wonder!mrmrs/vimrc
My own dotfiles with a twist of coolness.marchelzo/ircnvim
IRC in Neovimmavahedinia/vimrc-bank
share your vimrc with others! just fork, add your vimrc and ask a pull request.tommcdo/vim-kangaroo
Vim plugin: Maintain a manually-defined jump stackprurigro/darkcloud-vimconfig
A Vim distribution with sane, modern defaults, a custom theme, and a collection of tightly integrated and configured development-oriented pluginsFuelLabs/sway.vim
Vim syntax file for Sway.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us