Discover Canada's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Canada.
Slim-inspired templating language for Crystaljeromegn/kilt
Generic template interface for Crystaljessedoyle/
Evaluate JavaScript from Crystal!jeromegn/
Protobuf generator, encoder and decoder.christophemarois/arguing-robots
🤖 Watch and hear macOS robots argue live in your terminal 🤖Virtual-Machine/llvm-tutorial-book
In Progress. Building a front end for llvm.ggiraldez/crystal-gl
OpenGL bindings for the Crystal languagevladfaust/crystalworld
RealWorld back-end API implementation 👍shinzlet/phreak
A highly flexible Crystal CLI builder in the style of OptionParser.vladfaust/
A database migration solution 🚜westonganger/
Dead simple HTML form builder for Crystal with built-in support for many popular UI libraries such as Bootstrapsolisoft/arangocr
ArangoDB client for Crystal Langjeromegn/
Docker API client in Crystal.jeromegn/
InfluxDB driver for Crystaljeromegn/
BSON implementation written in Crystalvladfaust/
Internationalization shard 🌍vladfaust/
Mount multiple web applications 🚦metaware/flipper
Feature Flipper, Feature Flags, Rollout Flags, Feature Toggles for Crystalvladfaust/http-params-serializable
The HTTP params parsing module for Crystal 🤓vladfaust/
The Tarantool driver (a.k.a. connector) 🕷vladfaust/mini_redis
A light-weight low-level Redis client for Crystal ♨️pawandubey/pegasus
PEG based parser generator library in Crystaljessedoyle/coffee-script
Crystal CoffeeScript Compiler
Easy to use configuration and parser.vladfaust/
Validations module for Crystal ✅vladfaust/
A convenient Telegram Bot framework 🤖ThatsJustCheesy/parsem
Parsec-like parser combinators for Crystalvladfaust/
Expressive callbacks module for Crystal 🚉chris-huxtable/
Separates a files front matter from its contentbentranter/turbolinks
Crystal engine for Turbolinks integration.vladfaust/background
Fast background job processingchris-huxtable/
Extends `File` to provide `atomic_write()`.chris-huxtable/
Adds syslog functionality to crystal via LibC bindings.dmitryrck/crystal-demo
Draw in the terminal using unicode braille characters, for Crystal!chris-huxtable/
Adds pledge(2) to crystal.vladfaust/
🚧 WIP 🚧 Stripe API wrapper 💳vladfaust/onyx-http-deprecated
Deprecated Onyx moduleHCLarsen/chronos
Scheduling system for Crystal appsHCLarsen/
Crystal Shard for parsing and generating info in line with iCalendar Specifications.senorprogrammer/onodrim
🌴 A 2D terrain generator written in Crystal.vladfaust/time-span-humanize
Time::Span#humanize methodvladfaust/crack
Alternative Crystal HTTP server implementationvladfaust/cake-bake
Bake Cakefile into native Crystal code 🍞safiire/bitcoin_address_generator
Generate Bitcoin addresses in the Crystal programming languageadam12/devjournal
My own developer journal tooljackharrhy/
it's been done done done beforevladfaust/
A versatile timer module ⏲shinzlet/sd
Smart Directory is a replacment for cd that is focused on how developers actually use a command line.jblindsay/lidar
A Crystal language library for reading and writing LiDAR data in LAS formatsenorprogrammer/sdns
A command-line DNS switcher for macOS: 'sdns switch google'.chris-huxtable/nongrata
Securely generates sanitized, aggregate, IP blacklistsnogginly/
A type-safe finite state machine for Crystal where the states are defined using enum's.nogginly/todo_or_diehard
Write TODOs in code that ensure you actually do themchris-huxtable/
Adds System Users and Groups.vladfaust/realworld-benchmark
RealWorld Benchmarkandyw8/checklists
Basic CRUD example app written using Lucky framework (Crystal)suxxes/damerau-levenshtein
Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm implementation for Crystal language.rustomax/crystal-duplicate-finder
Duplicate file finder written in Crystalnogginly/
Port of Andrej Karpathy's tiny scalar-valued autograd engine and a neural net library on top of it with PyTorch-like APIjipiboily/kemal-bugsnag
Kemal middleware that traps all exceptions, send them to Bugsnag and re-raise themcolstrom/zq
Command-line ZPL processorjessedoyle/xss_test
a crystal implementation of jqqHCLarsen/secrets
Encrypted credentials management system, based on Rails/secretsHCLarsen/secrets-cli
Command line tool for encrypting and reading secrets.nolantait/
LMAX Disruptor implementation in CrystalJoshuaManton/crest
A procedural languagenogginly/
Implementation of the "One Billion Rows Challenge" using Crystal.ggiraldez/crystal-pong
QML library for Crystalvladfaust/
Time spans formatting made simple ⌚️nicbet/cart
Crystal Adaptive Radix Tree Implementationchris-huxtable/
Adds restrictive patterns to CrystalVirtual-Machine/crust
Shell helper functions for crystalchris-huxtable/
Encapsulates hostnames making them more convenient.chris-huxtable/
Easy to use output control allowing redirection and bufferingHCLarsen/time_ext
Extension for the Crystal Time struct to add day accurate addition and subtractionKCErb/symm32
Explore the symmetry of the 32 crystallographic point groups! This is a mirror of:k-erby/chonkwatch2019
Website to track how chonky my cat is. Amber framework, Granite, sqlite, written in Crystal.jackharrhy/ , but from discord, written in crystal using discordcrjackharrhy/gik
for breaking images, in amazing waysHCLarsen/
Crystal wrapper for OpenWeatherMap APInolantait/
An event driven orderbook for algotrading written in Crystalsenorprogrammer/MachSpeedConverter
Mach speed conversion libraries in many different languages.jackharrhy/pidman
Easy shell program to do common netstat operations written in Crystal!jackharrhy/p
ping, pongmartinlevesque/pebble
Crystal wrapper for the MediaWiki APIshinzlet/inject
A handy shell redirection utility.pawandubey/crystal_fnv
FNV-1 & FNV-1a non-cryptographic hash algorithms for Crystal Langkbluescode/crystal-getter
Quick http getter in crystalbalmesf/Sokoban-Crystal
Crystal implementation of the reliable queue pattern using Rediswhoward/time-tracker
simple time tracker CLI written in crystaljackharrhy/espk
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