Discover Brazil's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Brazil.
Database Sharding for ActiveRecordlucasgomide/
Repositório de canais no Youtube BR sobre desenvolvimentopedrozath/coltrane
🎹🎸A music theory library with a command-line interfaceguipdutra/awesome-geek-podcasts
A curated list of podcasts we like to listen to.catarse/catarse
The first open source crowdfunding platform for creative projects in the worldlazaronixon/authentication-zero
An authentication system generator for Rails applications.fgrehm/vagrant-lxc
LXC provider for Vagrantfgrehm/vagrant-cachier
Caffeine reducerargerim/select2-rails
Integrate Select2 javascript library with Rails asset pipelinedannnylo/rtesseract
Ruby library for working with the Tesseract OCR.leandromoreira/redlock-rb
Redlock is a redis-based distributed lock implementation in Ruby. More than 20M downloads.mhfs/devise-async
Send Devise's emails in background. Supports Resque, Sidekiq, Delayed::Job and QueueClassic.mhfs/sidekiq-failures
Keep track of Sidekiq failed jobsserradura/u-case
Represent use cases in a simple and powerful way while writing modular, expressive and sequentially logical code.rafaelsales/ulid
Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier implementation for RubyHatBashBR/HatCloud
Rails and Sinatra deployment made easycaelum/restfulie
CRUD through HTTP is a good step forward to using resources and becoming RESTful. Another step further into it is to make use of hypermedia-based services and the Restfulie gem allows you to do it very quickly.kivanio/brcobranca
Emissão de bloquetos de cobrança para bancos brasileiroshugodias/railStrap
RailStrap is a HTML5 Ruby On Rails 4 Ruby 2.0.0 bootstrapfgrehm/ventriloquist
Development environments made easynegrosdev/
Official repository of negros.devgdelugre/origami
Origami is a pure Ruby library to parse, modify and generate PDF documents.Terrastories/terrastories
Terrastories is a geostorytelling application for mapping, managing and sharing place-based stories.joaomdmoura/gioco
A gamification gem to Ruby on Rails applicationssandrods/odf-report
Generates ODF files, given a template (.odt) and data, replacing tagsmion/harvestman
Quick and dirty web crawling.lailsonbm/awesome_nested_fields
Easy dynamic nested fields for Rails and jQuery applications.jonatas/fast
Find in AST - Search and refactor code directly in Abstract Syntax Tree as you do with grep for stringsnofxx/georuby
This is intended as a holder for geometric data. The data model roughly follows the OGC.fcoury/octopi
A Ruby interface to GitHub API v2tiagopog/jsonapi-utils
Build JSON API-compliant APIs on Rails with no (or less) learning curve.vitorebatista/open-source-react-native-apps
📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source React Native Appsfernandokosh/redmine_time_tracker
A time tracker plugin for Redminewilkerlucio/mongoid_taggable
Mongoid taggable behaviourakitaonrails/computer_languages_genealogy_graphs
Graphviz/Dot files generator for computer languages genealogyplribeiro3000/jazz_fingers
Pry-based enhancementscarlosbrando/autotest-notification
This gem set the autotest to send messages to software as Growl, LibNotify, and Snarl, displaying a window with the results.diogenes/coletivo
A simple Rails 3 recommendations enginecrashtech/torque-postgresql
Add support to advanced resources of PostgreSQL, like data types, array associations, and auxiliary statements (CTE)fgrehm/vagrant-notify
Vagrant plugin that redirects `notify-send` from guest to host machine and notifies provisioning status.gbaptista/ollama-ai
A Ruby gem for interacting with Ollama's API that allows you to run open source AI LLMs (Large Language Models) locally.dcrec1/signal
An integration server written in Rails and integrated with metric_fu, rspec, cucumber and maven. Easy to install and easy to usezigotto/googl
Google URL Shortener API in Rubyakitaonrails/rinhabackend-rails-api
A Ruby natural language processor.carlosantoniodasilva/i18n_alchemy
I18n date/number parsing/localization - RMU Projectpagseguro/pagseguro-sdk-ruby
Biblioteca de integração em Rubylucasmazza/spriteful
You know, spritesfschuindt/firebase_id_token
A Ruby gem to verify the signature of Firebase ID Tokens.akitaonrails/chainable_methods
The most complete implementation of an Elixir/F#-like "Pipe" for Ruby in the form of "chainable methods"campuscode/rails-guides-pt-BR
Neste repositório buscamos ajuda na tradução do Rails Guides para pt-BR. Você pode ver o conteúdo já traduzido emCreditas/ddd-rails-sample
A sample Domain Driven Design project using Ruby on Rails ❤️khamusa/rspec-graphql_matchers
Collection of rspec matchers to test your graphQL api schema.infosimples/deathbycaptcha
Ruby API for DeathByCaptcha (Captcha Solver as a Service)globocom/GloboDNS
Api to manage Bind Name Serverdiogot/danger-xcode_summary
A Danger plugin that shows all build errors, warnings and unit tests results generated from xcodebuild.linqueta/rails-healthcheck
A simple way to configure a healthcheck route for a Rails applicationstupied4ever/ruby-tapas-downloader
Download utility for Ruby Tapas screencastdouglara/woofed-crm
A template for a Rails 5 applicationrc2dev/fyodor
Convert your Amazon Kindle highlights and notes into markdown (or any format).fablabjoinville/agenda-saude
Sistema de agendamento de saúde, em uso para gerir filas de vacinação do COVID-19 e H1N1.serradura/from-fat-controllers-to-use-cases
Rails (API) app that shows different kinds of architecture (one per commit), and in the last one, how to use the Micro::Case gem to handle the application business logic.rosenfeld/active_record_migrations
ActiveRecord Stand-alone Migrations (for non-Rails projects)dcrec1/kilt
A client that listens to Pivotal Tracker activities and notifies them with Growl (Mac OSx), Libnotify (Linux) or Snarl (Windows)getninjas/whatsapp
A Ruby interface to WhatsApp Enterprise API.dcrec1/acts_as_solr_reloaded
ActsAsSolr with new featuresIF977/if977
Repositório da disciplina de Engenharia de Software voltada ao curso de Sistemas de Informação.fschuindt/toucan
A Ruby framework to craft small yet amazing CLI applications. (Work in progress)rtoshiro/alfred-workflows-addcalendarevent
Workflow for Alfred 2 (and 3) to add an event in Calendar.luizluca/bridge
brigde is a dynamic port forwarder over HTTP (with HTTP PROXY support)gbaptista/gemini-ai
A Ruby Gem for interacting with Gemini through Vertex AI, Generative Language API, or AI Studio, Google's generative AI services.serradura/dicas-de-programacao-em-ruby
Dicas para iniciantes de boas práticas de desenvolvimento de software em Rubyimagov/keycloak
Gem for add authentication to applications and secure services with Keycloakportabilis/i-diario
Lançando o maior software livre de educação do Brasil!reu/omniauth-steam
Steam authentication strategy for OmniAuthserradura/u-attributes
Create "immutable" objects with no setters, just getters.teresinahc/peba
O Peba é um sistema que indexa em fonte única informações relacionadas às despesas de vários entidades governamentais com suporte para filtros e buscas avançadas.fgrehm/vocker
[DEPRECATED] Docker provisioner for Vagrantakitaonrails/manga-downloadr
download mangas from and compile Kindle optimised PDFsandersonkrs/malheatmap
An extension for tracking your activities on myanimelist.netfgrehm/docker-provider
[DEPRECATED] Docker provider for Vagrantfgrehm/bindler
[DEPRECATED] Dead easy Vagrant plugins managementnofxx/postgis_adapter
RIP : Fork of spatial_adapter to give postgis more lovecrafters/cielo
Gem para integração com os WebServices da Cielocarlosbrando/poignant-br
Tradução do livro Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby para português.heyvito/identicon
👾 A Ruby library that generates GitHub-like identiconspagarme/pagarme-ruby's Ruby APIkawamanza/step-up
StepUp is an utility that helps other projects to manage your versioning increase.deyvin/backend-urubu-do-pix
Find a lot of kinds of common information in a string. CommonRegex port for Rubybrunofrank/class-table-inheritance
A plugin to make class table inheritance in Active Record.jp7io/rails-apz
The guide to build a Rails app from a to z.fabiokr/vagrant-sshfs
A Vagrant plugin that mounts folders with sshfs in the host machine.serradura/request_via
RequestVia: A Functional HTTP Client That Wraps Net::HTTPMatheusRich/benchable
Write benchmarks without the hassle.OneBitCodeBlog/onebitflix
A Rails + VueJS Spa based in - from OneBitCode.comfidelisrafael/brazilian_documents
Coleção de validadores e geradores para documentos oficiais brasileiros, como: Inscrição Estadual, CPF, CNPJ.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us