Simple, reliable, efficient streaming for Cowboy.
HTTP/2 Server for Erlang. Boy, that guy was a real chatterbox waddn't he? I didn't think he was ever going to stop with the story.
Simple, robust and performant Erlang web server
Erlware Commons is an Erlware project focused on all aspects of reusable Erlang components.
Erlang general non-blocking TCP/SSL socket server
STUN / TURN standalone server
HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, Websocket client (and more) for Erlang/OTP.
simple HTTP client in Erlang
Erlang HTTP client
lhttpc is a lightweight HTTP/1.1 client implemented in Erlang.
Erlang Rest Client
For the times you need more than just a gun.
Unicode eXtention for Erlang (Strings, Collation)
Vegur: HTTP Proxy Library