Ada Bar Codes: bar code (1D and 2D) generator in pure Ada
Implementation of Midi / MidiFile reading and writing
Ada PDF Writer: a standalone, portable package for producing dynamically PDF documents
TOML parser for Ada
experimental YAML 1.3 implementation in Ada
Excel Writer: a standalone, portable Ada package for producing Excel spreadsheets
GID (Generic Image Decoder): a standalone, portable generic Ada package for decoding images
Ini file manager: a standalone, portable Ada package for configuration files
An Ada 2012 library for parsing JSON
JSON/JWK/JWS/JWT/Base64 library in SPARK
Matreshka Project
The Google Protocol Buffers implementation in Ada
Formally verified, bounded-stack XML library
The XML/Ada toolkit.
XML EZ Out is a small set of packages intended to aid the creation of XML-formatted output from within Ada programs