A capstone project from Microverse as a completion of HTML & CSS curriculum.thenextweb-clone
This project is part of Microverse Technical Curriculum on Responsive Design and CSS Frameworksnyt-article-page-clone
This project consists of building an HTML document that matches the appearance of a New York Times article page. It was developed as a requirement for Microverse HTML and CSS course.newsweek-clone
This is a solo project which is part of Microverse HTML & CSS Curriculum; it is a clone of the homepage of I used Bootstrap front end framework to design it.archived-apple-clone
This project is part of Microverse HTML & CSS Curriculum; it is a replica of the archived
This project is a capstone project which is part of the requirements of the fulfillment of the Microverse main curriculum in the Rails section. The project is about building a site similar to Twitter. It is a real-world project as one with project requirements given to be delivered without missing the deadlines specified in the
This project consists of building an HTML document that matches the appearance of’s signup pagecss-linter
This project is a capstone project developed as a completion of the Ruby section of the Microverse main curriculum. It is a CSS lint tool intended to showcase Ruby programming
Restaurant JS is a JavaScript project that contains three simple pages: home page, menu page & contact page. The main goal of this project is for the student to show the understanding of the benefits of modularized code as well as the ability to set up a javascript application made of different modules using
Survey Form for Portfoliotodo-js
Todo JS is a JavaScript project that is intended to showcase an understanding of such JavaScript concepts as Objects, Factory Functions, The Module Pattern, and OOP. The project also illustrates the concepts of Single Responsibility and Tightly Coupled Objects. The codebase is well structured into different modules using Webpack.front-end-project
A personal portfolio app that has a list of projects I have developed and it also iterates my experience in the field of full-stack development.micro-reddit
Weatherapp JS is a JavaScript project that is intended to showcase an understanding asynchronous JavaScript communication with promises or async/await and when to use them . The codebase is well structured into different modules using Webpack.JavaFundamentalsDemos
Fundamental Concepts of Java Programming Languagemembers-only
This project is a microverse solo project which is part of the requirements of the microverse main curriculum in the Rails section. The project is about building an exclusive clubhouse to implement the authentication feature of Ruby on Rails MVC framework.sass-quickly
This is a companion project for my first article in Microverse Curriculum. It is simple landing page that utilizes the different concepts available in Sass.forms-rails
A repository intended to showcase skills on building bare metal forms and helpers. It is part of the Microverse curriculum on Ruby on Rails section.react-calculator
A basic calculator developed using React.bubble-sort
This project is a microverse solo project which is part of the requirements of the microverse main curriculum in the Rails section. The project is about building a site similar to Eventbrite. It is intended as a learning project to showcase skills in the associations and testing feature of Ruby on Rails MVC framework.runner-js
Runner JS is a JavaScript platform game built with Phaser. A player needs to jump every obstacle he or she encounters in order to survive in the endless platform runner. To interact with the game, a player can use such input devices as the keyboard or mouse. The score in the game is calculated based on two parameters: the duration the player stays in the game and the number of coins the player collects.weatherapp-nodejs
This repo is used to explore popular Software Design Patterns in JavaScript.rails-api-demo
A basic rails API project.my_first_rails_app
A project from the Microverse JavaScript Module intended to showcase skills in DOM manipulation, Module pattern, and ES6 Classes.todo-app-react
This repository contains solutions for sqlzoo challengesguesthouse-finder
A repo to explore the basics of Active Record Associations in Ruby on Rails.testing-with-jest
This project explores the basic concepts of useState and useEffect in React. The data is fetched from an external api.message_me
A RESTFUL API built with Ruby on Rails. To implement Authentication and Authorization JWT is used. It is a back-end project built as part of the final capstone application at
Fundamentals of Reactprofile-scroller-js
A mini project to showcase ES6 iterators.form-validation-js
This project is intended to showcase form validation skills in JavaScript using Regular Expressions.alpah-blog
GitHub Finder is a project intended to showcase such asynchrounous JavaScript programming skills as API calls using async and await keywords and promises. The project utilizes GitHub api to fetch the profile information and latest repos of a particular GitHub user
This project was created following a tutorial from Coding Addict Youtube Channel. It is a learning material for basics of React.react-router-demo
A project that showcases skills of DOM manipulation using vanilla JavaScript.tracalorie-js
Tracalorie is a JavaScript project that tracks the calorie content of variety meal items. The goal of the project is to showcase the skills of a popular JavaScript pattern called the module pattern. Local storage is used to persist the data.cryptocurrencies-catalog
A react-redux application that fetches an API endpoint and renders the fetched cryptocurrencies. It filters the resources based on input search and it also renders the trending crypto coins. Some of the tools and libraries used to develop the project are React, Redux Tool Kit, Axios, and React Testing Library.asynchronous-eses
Asynchronous ESES is a project that helps someone to learn Asynchronous JavaScript by exploring the different HTTP APIs of various JavaScript versions -ES5, ES6, and
This is the final project that is part of the fulfillment of the Microverse main curriculum section. It is SPA that fetches and renders resources from an API endpoint created using Ruby on Rails which is part of the overall requirements of the final project.gab-tem-microverse-team
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