Generate views, models and controllers for SailsJS from MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDBvue-frame
Dynamic component for creation of interfaces with iframessylver
鉂勶笍A lightweight math library for JavaScripti18n-editor
Simple JSON localization file managerTrelloResume
Converts trello data into fast read informationTemplate-SailsJS-Vue
Two independent projects (BackEnd and FrontEnd) working as one. A Sails application.onboard
Onboard is an extensible framework for visual programming. Onboard allows you to create a node editor from the browser. You can define nodes and events that allow you to create instructions to process data in your editor.awesome-moodle-api
Awesome list of Moodle API resourcesSIG_REST_API
Construcci贸n de un REST API que se conecta a una base de datos PostgreSQL (Postgis)Camaleon
Camaleon is a multiplatform installable module, available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS. Quickly obtain, view and test exercises developed in C++ and Java. camaleon uses the V8 engine Google, so you need to install NodeJS.Servue
[Suspended development :(] Reactive backend with VueJS. Socket, Routes, Reactive data.MicroDSL
Content generator, takes the structure of any mysql database and automatically creates web forms, ORM models and many other custom content.HtmlTableToLatex
Converting html tables to latex tablesRaptor
Lightweight tool for scanning web sites, works as spider. Once executed, starts scanning pages looking for websites to visit, with automatic indexing.Blogla
Blogla es una plataforma de gesti贸n de un blog en donde los usuarios pueden compartir art铆culos, eventos, noticias, etc.rp
rp is an abstraction of the programming language php. It has clean syntax, free of some repetitive php elements, including support for many php functions and segments that help you create files with less code content.kdenlive-titles
Kdenlive title generatorTallerAppsIonic
Taller de desarrollo de aplicaciones m贸viles, Universidad de la Amazonia.vue-hyper
Prototyping dynamic interfaces. Programming html without directly using htmlMachineLearningScikit
Clasificador de flores mediante aprendizaje supervisadotldjowcerc
Virus shortcut creator for MS Windowsddlify-oracle
Ddlify, manage your database Oracle from NodeJSCarnet
Quitar fondo blanco y convertir en transparente. Redondea im谩genes.svelte-create-state
useState (from React) but for Svelteionic-pre-publish
Instrucciones bash para la generacion automatica APK released con certificado y compresi贸n. Prepara tu app para publicar en la playstore.Slim3-Boilerplate
Boilerplate Slim 3 includes controllers, models, middleware and other utilities. Adapted for MySQLbzg-modal
Custom element bizagi modal [Migrado a]ConvocatoriaDocente
Convocatoria de docentesrestaurantsnearby
Search nearby restaurants to a specific cityprefix-number
Obtains the code, name and prefix of a telephone numberAurora
A lightweight and ultra fast document manager, tasks and notes built with meteorFBWhiteList
A mini tool to remove unwanted postssvelte-shopping-cart
A product store developed with Svelte and Tailwindcss.Nodevar
Creates objects with steroids.all_moto_red
Puente intercomunicador de servicios din谩micos alojados en m煤ltiples servidoresRxClipboard
Clipboard reactive to changes for Nodereemoji
Make your flat text emoji prettierBackupFtp
Create automatic ftp backup and upload to gitlabMondongo
A simple module for describe databases and collections of mongodb.Ionis
Ionic utilities. Manager your applications.CongresoTIC
Aplicaci贸n m贸vil para el congreso internacional TIC de la Universidad de la Amazonia.puppeteer-summary
puppeteer's summaryimage_ai_plate
Console for debugging messages, errors and warnings in projects that are in development. (Log + Debug) = LougParserChaira
Extractor de informaci贸n y meta datos de Chair谩GSens
Ionic 2 App para monitoreo en tiempo real de sensores.Doc-Electrocardiomiografo
Dise帽o e implementaci贸n de electrocardiomi贸grafo como herramienta para realizar estudio de disfunci贸n muscular y cardiovascular en pacientes con enfermedades respiratorias cr贸nicasme
A starter for a blog powered by Gatsby and MarkdownEjercito
Sitio web para la carrera del ejercito - ReactJSFudla
Aplicacion m贸vil h铆brida para visualizaci贸n de usuarios activos en un restaurante. (Food + Udla) =
My resume siteMessengerUdla
Aplicaci贸n m贸vil para mensajer铆a instant谩nea usando Ionic 2 y Firebase. Demostraci贸n para el taller de desarrollo de aplicaciones m贸
Predictable state requestDoc-MDD
Documentaci贸n del proyecto de grado, Desarrollo dirigido por modelos (MDD) e implementaci贸npokemons
Codility exercisesSocketIO_Giecom
Datos en tiempo real de sensores.lahora
Basic clockcv
Leer CSV y generar autom谩ticamente directorios con los datos de una columna del archivomenu-args
Toolkit for creating command line interfaces without writing so much code.gencode
Generator source code and files, with: text format, minification, indenting, and beautify.comics
Renombrar im谩genes desde una entrada din谩mica basada en hora de captura y nombre.superconvert
Convert anything to something elseCSV2FolderGo
Leer CSV y generar autom谩ticamente directorios con los datos de una columna del archivofastv
Get the version of a program quicklyproxyset
Toolkit for setting up the github proxyaddi_challenge
[Proyecto cancelado] Conversor de documentos definidos por el cliente en archivos XML compatibles con Moodleentorn
List and manage the variables system environment, and uses other extra features.Tutorial_Ionic2
Tutorial de Ionic 2: Crear providers, mostrar datos, Storage...argvd
Argv, describe all parameters of a function.Tuki
Aplicacion Django + VueJS, graficador de procesos estoc谩sticosPyDump
Dump Mysql with Pythonlab_IoTech
Extract all the texts of any project with HTML files and generate a KV (Key-Value) file, key = reference key, value = extracted text.SAT
Sistema de alertas tempranasDumpMySQL
Generate backup DDL from MySQL database.GraphqlCS
Simple graphql for CSharp.cocora
Allows expected software behaviors to be specified in a logical language that customers can understandAppHackatonIndigo
Aplicacion m贸vil para crear viajes personalizados. Ganadora de la Hackathon de desarrollo de software en Huila.AMAP
(Amazonia + Mapa)=AMAP, Aplicacion m贸vil para la b煤squeda y posicionamiento de recursos f铆sicos en la Universidad de la AmazoniaAPI-Album
API de 谩lbum de fotos. Servidor de fotograf铆as para demostraci贸n en Taller Apps Ionic.uhunt-node
Get information of exercises from UVA Judgetinyenv
A small tool to manage environment variables system written in GoLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us