Rails RESTful controller abstraction plugin.timeline_fu
Keep track of service error rates using redis. Degrade functionality if they're too high.active_presenter
The presenter library you already know.is_taggable
Tagging that doesn't want to be on steroids. It's skinny and happy to stay that waytrample
A Better Load Simulatorobservational
Use the observer pattern to better divide your objects' responsibilities.attribute_fu
a better version of this functionality is in rails 2.3. use that!always_verify_ssl_certificates
Ruby's net/http is setup to never verify SSL certificates by default. Most ruby libraries do the same. That means that you're not verifying the identity of the server you're communicating with and are therefore exposed to man in the middle attacks. This gem monkey-patches net/http to force certificate verification and make turning it off impossible.blank
Blank is GiraffeSoftโs blank rails starter app.zebra
One line tests without the smells.enum_field
statsd on the jvmconductor
Build clusters in the cloud with conductor.munin_plugin
Dead simple IM notifications for your appcassandra-munin-plugins
Munin plugins for apache cassandra.classy_resources
Think resource_controller, except for sinatra.lexical_uuid
UUIDs that are byte-ordered lamport clocks (timestamp, worker_id). Much simpler than type-1 UUID's crappy, weirdo layout.markaby
Markaby patched to run on rails 2.0.2tweet
Tweet from the command line.timeline_fu-example
Nagios plugins in use at FetLife. Services include: resque, cassandra, etc.lexical_uuid.erl
UUIDs that are byte-ordered lamport clocks (timestamp, worker_id). Much simpler than type-1 UUID's crappy, weirdo layout.openvpn-recipes
Get OpenVPN up and running on Ubuntu, using Chef. Great way to beat geofencing!dotfiles
has_browser makes it possible to create simple, parameterized browser interfaces to your models. That is, given a set of parameters, return all the models that match.conductor-rails
A rails stack for conductor.scrawny
a lightweight, RESTful persistent queue on top of thin, rack and invisible in < 60 LoCexpectations
expectations is a lightweight unit testing framework.starling-on-invisible
Proof of concept that you can build a queueing server and client RESTfully, leveraging starling's persistent queue code, a lightweight web framework, and thin.scala-connection-pool
Connection pool abstractions in scala. Supports load balancing and failover in a thread-safe manner. Defers to commons-pool for the actual pooling.spymemcached-gem
A jruby-only memcached client and rails cache store that uses spymemcached under the hood.action_mailer_verp
Send VERP emails with actionmailer.
Setup different smtp settings per ActionMailer::Base subclass.memcache-lock
Extraction of the lock from cache-money.what_does_this_error_mean-rails
Rails plugin for integration with whatdoesthiserrormean.comfile-sherpa
Upload progress bars for jQuery.rollout_rest_api
A sinatra app that exposes a REST API for rollout.zfs-mysql-backup
Binary FreeBSD packages in use at (NSFW).what_does_this_error_mean-merb
sbt plugin for including ruby code and rubygems in the build.smemcache
A scala wrapper around spymemcached.rest_client-cocoa
Adapted from the ruby18 port. I'm new to freebsd and ports, so it's probably all wrong!jgmalloc
Health checks for rails.activerecordless_migrations
because obviously I wanted to write a fucking memcached clientgperftools
CLI for sending commands to tempo app.markdownj-gem
(J)Ruby wrapper around markdownj.telephos
A really simple Scala wrapper around Cassandra's thrift bindings. No DSLs here.jruby-scala-issue
Basic ruby proxy class to use around service clients that handles retrying requests and failover.thrift-exception-notifier
If you run thrift services in production, it's handy to receive an email when shit breaks.uriparser
RPM specs that I'm maintaining. I'm not good at this. They're probably all wrong.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us