MailSniper is a penetration testing tool for searching through email in a Microsoft Exchange environment for specific terms (passwords, insider intel, network architecture information, etc.). It can be used as a non-administrative user to search their own email, or by an administrator to search the mailboxes of every user in a domain.CloudPentestCheatsheets
This repository contains a collection of cheatsheets I have put together for tools related to pentesting organizations that leverage cloud providers.DomainPasswordSpray
DomainPasswordSpray is a tool written in PowerShell to perform a password spray attack against users of a domain. By default it will automatically generate the userlist from the domain. BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO LOCKOUT ACCOUNTS!MFASweep
A tool for checking if MFA is enabled on multiple Microsoft ServicesMSOLSpray
A password spraying tool for Microsoft Online accounts (Azure/O365). The script logs if a user cred is valid, if MFA is enabled on the account, if a tenant doesn't exist, if a user doesn't exist, if the account is locked, or if the account is disabled.GraphRunner
A Post-exploitation Toolset for Interacting with the Microsoft Graph APIPowerMeta
PowerMeta searches for publicly available files hosted on various websites for a particular domain by using specially crafted Google, and Bing searches. It then allows for the download of those files from the target domain. After retrieving the files, the metadata associated with them can be analyzed by PowerMeta. Some interesting things commonly found in metadata are usernames, domains, software titles, and computer names.HostRecon
This function runs a number of checks on a system to help provide situational awareness to a penetration tester during the reconnaissance phase. It gathers information about the local system, users, and domain information. It does not use any 'net', 'ipconfig', 'whoami', 'netstat', or other system commands to help avoid detection.Check-LocalAdminHash
Check-LocalAdminHash is a PowerShell tool that attempts to authenticate to multiple hosts over either WMI or SMB using a password hash to determine if the provided credential is a local administrator. It's useful if you obtain a password hash for a user and want to see where they are local admin on a network. It is essentially a Frankenstein of two of my favorite tools along with some of my own code. It utilizes Kevin Robertson's (@kevin_robertson) Invoke-TheHash project for the credential checking portion. Additionally, the script utilizes modules from PowerView by Will Schroeder (@harmj0y) and Matt Graeber (@mattifestation) to enumerate domain computers to find targets for testing admin access against.RDPSpray
Tool for password spraying RDPPowerWebShot
A PowerShell tool for taking screenshots of multiple web servers quickly.PassphraseGen
A script for generating custom passphrase lists to be used for password cracking with hashcat rulesEmailAddressMangler
This module mangles two lists of names together to generate a list of potential email addresses or usernames. It can also be used to simply combine a list of full names in the format (firstname lastname) into either email addresses or usernames.lab_scripts
Repo for hosting various scripts for creating users for password spraying and other password attacks.BasicPHPRedirector
A basic PHP redirection site that captures request headersEthereham
A script for tracking and decoding input data messages sent to and from a particular Ethereum address or from every transaction in a block.blockchain-developer-bootcamp-final-project
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