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Repository Details

A Standard and Fair Time Series Forecasting Benchmark and Toolkit.

A Standard and Fair Time Series Forecasting Benchmark and Toolkit.

EasyTorch LICENSE PyTorch python lint

BasicTS (Basic Time Series) is a PyTorch-based benchmark and toolbox for time series forecasting (TSF).

On the one hand, BasicTS utilizes a unified and standard pipeline to give a fair and exhaustive reproduction and comparison of popular deep learning-based models.

On the other hand, BasicTS provides users with easy-to-use and extensible interfaces to facilitate the quick design and evaluation of new models. At a minimum, users only need to define the model architecture.

✨ Highlighted Features

BasicTS is developed based on EasyTorch[1], an easy-to-use and powerful open-source neural network training framework.

😼 Fair Performance Review

Users can compare the performance of different models on arbitrary datasets fairly and exhaustively based on a unified and comprehensive pipeline.

👨‍💻 Developing with BasicTS

Minimum Code Users only need to implement key codes such as model architecture and data pre/post-processing to build their own deep learning projects.
Everything Based on Config Users can control all the details of the pipeline through a config file, such as the hyperparameter of dataloaders, optimization, and other tricks (*e.g.*, curriculum learning).
Support All Devices BasicTS supports CPU, GPU and GPU distributed training (both single node multiple GPUs and multiple nodes) thanks to using EasyTorch as the backend. Users can use it by setting parameters without modifying any code.
Save Training Log Support `logging` log system and `Tensorboard`, and encapsulate it as a unified interface, users can save customized training logs by calling simple interfaces.

✨ Built-in Datasets and Baselines

🛡 Datasets

BasicTS support a variety of datasets, including spatial-temporal forecasting, long time-series forecasting, and large-scale datasets, e.g.,

  • ETTh1, ETTh2, ETTm1, ETTm2, Electricity, Exchange Rate, Weather, Beijing Air Quality
  • SD, GLA, GBA, CA
  • ...

⚔️ Baselines

BasicTS provides a wealth of built-in models, including both spatial-temporal forecasting models and long time-series forecasting models, e.g.,

  • Informer, Autoformer, FEDformer, Pyraformer, DLinear, NLinear, Triformer, Crossformer, ...

💿 Dependencies



We recommend using BasicTS on Linux systems (e.g. Ubuntu and CentOS). Other systems (e.g., Windows and macOS) have not been tested.


Python >= 3.6 (recommended >= 3.9).

Miniconda or Anaconda are recommended to create a virtual python environment.

Other Dependencies

BasicTS is built based on PyTorch and EasyTorch. You can install PyTorch following the instruction in PyTorch. For example:

pip install torch==1.10.0+cu111 torchvision==0.11.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.10.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

After ensuring that PyTorch is installed correctly, you can install other dependencies via:

pip install -r requirements.txt


BasicTS is built on PyTorch 1.9.1 or 1.10.0, while other versions have not been tested.

🎯 Getting Started of Developing with BasicTS

Preparing Data

  • Clone BasicTS

    cd /path/to/your/project
    git clone https://github.com/zezhishao/BasicTS.git
  • Download Raw Data

    You can download all the raw datasets at Google Drive or Baidu Yun(password: 6v0a), and unzip them to datasets/raw_data/.

  • Pre-process Data

    cd /path/to/your/project
    python scripts/data_preparation/${DATASET_NAME}/generate_training_data.py

    Replace ${DATASET_NAME} with one of METR-LA, PEMS-BAY, PEMS03, PEMS04, PEMS07, PEMS08, or any other supported dataset. The processed data will be placed in datasets/${DATASET_NAME}.

3 Steps to Evaluate Your Model

  • Define Your Model Architecture

    The forward function needs to follow the conventions of BasicTS. You can find an example of the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model in baselines/MLP/mlp_arch.py

  • Define Your Runner for Your Model (Optional)

    BasicTS provides a unified and standard pipeline in basicts.runner.BaseTimeSeriesForecastingRunner. Nevertheless, you still need to define the specific forward process (the forward function in the runner). Fortunately, BasicTS also provides such an implementation in basicts.runner.SimpleTimeSeriesForecastingRunner, which can cover most of the situations. The runner for the MLP model can also use this built-in runner. You can also find more runners in basicts.runners.runner_zoo to learn more about the runner design.

  • Configure your Configuration File

    You can configure all the details of the pipeline and hyperparameters in a configuration file, i.e., everything is based on config. The configuration file is a .py file, in which you can import your model and runner and set all the options. BasicTS uses EasyDict to serve as a parameter container, which is extensible and flexible to use. An example of the configuration file for the MLP model on the METR-LA dataset can be found in baselines/MLP/MLP_METR-LA.py

Run It!

An example of a start script can be found in experiments/train.py. You can run your model by the following command:

python experiments/train.py -c /path/to/your/config/file.py --gpus '0'

📌 Examples

Reproducing Built-in Models

BasicTS provides a wealth of built-in models. You can find all the built-in models and their corresponding runners in basicts/archs/arch_zoo and basicts/runners/runner_zoo, respectively. You can reproduce these models by running the following command:

python experiments/train.py -c baselines/${MODEL_NAME}/${MODEL_NAME}_${DATASET_NAME}.py --gpus '0'

Replace ${DATASET_NAME} and ${MODEL_NAME} with any supported models and datasets. For example, you can run Graph WaveNet on METR-LA dataset by:

python experiments/train.py -c baselines/GWNet/GWNet_METR-LA.py --gpus '0'

Customized Your Own Model

📉 Main Results

Spatial-Temporal Forecasting

STF results.

Long Time- Series Forecasting

LTSF results.

📦 Checkpoints


🔗 Acknowledgement

BasicTS is developed based on EasyTorch[1], an easy-to-use and powerful open-source neural network training framework.

📜 References