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A tiny Kotlin multiplatform library that assists in saving and restoring objects to and from disk using kotlinx.coroutines, kotlinx.serialisation and kotlinx.io



Kotlin Alpha Kotlin Maven Central

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A tiny Kotlin multiplatform library that assists in saving and restoring objects to and from disk using kotlinx.coroutines, kotlinx.serialisation and okio. Inspired by RxStore


  • πŸ”’ Read-write locks; with a mutex FIFO lock
  • πŸ’Ύ In-memory caching; read once from disk and reuse
  • πŸ“¬ Default values; no file? no problem!
  • 🚚 Migration support; moving shop? take your data with you
  • πŸš‰ Multiplatform!

At a glance

// Take any serializable model 
@Serializable data class Pet(val name: String, val age: Int) 

// Create a store
val store: KStore<Pet> = storeOf(filePath = "path/to/my_cats.json")

// Get, set, update or delete values 
val mylo: Pet? = store.get()
store.update { pet: Pet? ->
  pet?.copy(age = pet.age + 1)

// Observe for updates
val pets: Flow<Pet?> = store.updates

Adding to your project

KStore is published on Maven Central

repositories { 
  // or for snapshot builds

Include the dependency in commonMain. Latest version Maven Central

sourceSets {
  val commonMain by getting { 
    dependencies { 

Platform configurations

KStore provides factory methods to create your platform specific store. There's two variants

1. kstore-file


This includes factory methods to create a store that read/writes to a file. This is suitable for android, ios, desktop and js { nodejs() } targets where we have a file system

Include the dependency in androidMain, iosMain, desktopMain or jsMain (only for nodejs()).

sourceSets {
  // You may define this on commonMain if your js targets nodejs.
  val commonMain by getting {
    dependencies {

Then create a store

val store: KStore<Pet> = storeOf(filePath = "path/to/my_cats.json")

For full configurations, see here

2. kstore-storage


This includes factory methods to create a store that read/writes to a key-value storage provider This is suitable for js { browser() } target where we have storage providers (e.g:- localStorage, sessionStorage)

Include the dependency in jsMain (only for browser()).

sourceSets {
  // only for js { browser() }
  val jsMain by getting { dependencies { implementation("io.github.xxfast:kstore-storage:<version>") } }

Then create a store

val store: KStore<Pet> = storeOf(key = "my_cats")

Full usage

Given that you have a @Serializable model

@Serializable data class Pet(val name: String, val age: Int) // Any serializable
val mylo = Pet(name = "Mylo", age = 1)

Get value

Get a value once

val mylo: Pet? = store.get()

Or observe for changes

val pets: Flow<Pet?> = store.updates

Set value


Update a value

store.update { pet: Pet? ->
  pet?.copy(age = pet.age + 1)

Note: this maintains a single mutex lock transaction, unlike get() and a subsequent set()

Delete/Reset value


You can also reset a value back to its default (if set, see here)

Create a list store

Create a list store

KStore provides you with some convenient extensions to manage stores that contain lists. listStoreOf is the same as storeOf, but defaults to empty list instead of null

val listStore: KStore<List<Pet>> = listStoreOf("path/to/file") 

Get values

val pets: List<Cat> = listStore.getOrEmpty()
val pet: Cat = store.get(0)

or observe values

val pets: Flow<List<Cat>> = listStore.updatesOrEmpty

Add or remove elements


Map elements

listStore.map { cat -> cat.copy(cat.age = cat.age + 1) }
listStore.mapIndexed { index, cat -> cat.copy(cat.age = index) }


Everything you want is in the factory method

private val store: KStore<Pet> = storeOf(
  // see 🚏Getting the path
  key/filePath = pathTo("id"),

  // Returns this value if the file is not found. Defaults to null
  default = null,

  // Maintain a cache. If set to false, it always reads from disk
  enableCache = true,
  // Optional, see 🚚 Migrating stores
  version = 0, 
  migration = { version, jsonElement -> default },
  // Serializer to use. Defaults serializer ignores unknown keys and encodes the defaults
  serializer = Json {
    ignoreUnknownKeys = true
    encodeDefaults = true 
  }, // optional

  // Optional, storage provider to use (Only for kstore-storage)
  storage = localStorage, 

🚏Getting the path

Getting a path to a file is different for each platform and you will need to define how this works for each platform

expect fun pathTo(id: String): String
On Android

Getting a path on android involves invoking from filesDir from Context.

actual fun pathTo(id: String): String = "${context.filesDir.path}/$id.json"
On iOS & other Apple platforms

To get a path on iOS, you can use NSHomeDirectory.

actual fun pathTo(id: String): String = "${NSHomeDirectory()}/$id.json"
On Desktop (JVM)

This depends on where you want to save your files, but generally you should save your files in a user data directory. Recommending to use harawata's appdirs to get the platform specific app dir

actual fun pathTo(id: String): String {
  // implementation("net.harawata:appdirs:1.2.1")
  val appDir: String = AppDirsFactory.getInstance().getUserDataDir(PACKAGE_NAME, VERSION, ORGANISATION)
  return "$appDir/$id.json"
On Browser

This is straight-forward on a browser, since we are storing on localStorage/sessionStorage, we just need a key name

actual fun pathTo(name: String): String = name
On NodeJS

🚚 Migrating stores

You can use the existing fields to derive the new fields without needing to write your own migrations

@Serializable data class CatV1(val name: String, val lives: Int = 9)
@Serializable data class CatV2(val name: String, val lives: Int = 9, val age: Int = 9 - lives)
What about binary incompatible changes?

Binary incompatible changes

If the new models are binary incompatible you will need to specify how to migrate the models from version to version

@Serializable data class CatV1(val name: String, val lives: Int = 9, val cuteness: Int) 
@Serializable data class CatV2(val name: String, val lives: Int = 9, val age: Int = 9 - lives, val kawaiiness: Long)
@Serializable data class CatV3(val name: String, val lives: Int = 9, val age: Int = 9 - lives, val isCute: Boolean)

private val storeV3: KStore<CatV3> = storeOf(filePath = filePath, version = 3) { version, jsonElement ->
  when (version) {
    1 -> jsonElement?.jsonObject?.let {
      val name = it["name"]!!.jsonPrimitive.content
      val lives = it["lives"]!!.jsonPrimitive.int
      val age = it["age"]?.jsonPrimitive?.int ?: (9 - lives)
      val isCute = it["cuteness"]!!.jsonPrimitive.int.toLong() > 1
      CatV3(name, lives, age, isCute)

    2 -> jsonElement?.jsonObject?.let {
      val name = it["name"]!!.jsonPrimitive.content
      val lives = it["lives"]!!.jsonPrimitive.int
      val age = it["age"]?.jsonPrimitive?.int ?: (9 - lives)
      val isCute = it["kawaiiness"]!!.jsonPrimitive.long > 1
      CatV3(name, lives, age, isCute)

    else -> null


Copyright 2023 Isuru Rajapakse

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.