The code is unofficial version for focal loss for Dense Object Detection
this is implementtd using mxnet python layer.
The retina-net is in
Assue that you have put the in your operator path
you can use:
from your_operators.focal_loss import *
cls_prob = mx.sym.Custom(op_type='FocalLoss', name = 'cls_prob', data = cls_score, labels = label, alpha =0.25, gamma= 2)
focal loss with softmax on kitti(10 cls)
this is my experiments on kitti 10 cls, the performance on hard cls is great!!
[email protected] | car | van | Truck | cyclist | pedestrian | person_sitting | tram | misc | dontcare |
base line(faster rcnn + ohem(1:2)) | 0.7892 | 0.7462 | 0.8465 | 0.623 | 0.4254 | 0.1374 | 0.5035 | 0.5007 | 0.1329 |
faster rcnn + focal loss with softmax | 0.797 | 0.874 | 0.8959 | 0.7914 | 0.5700 | 0.2806 | 0.7884 | 0.7052 | 0.1433 |
about parameters in this expriment
very important!!!
in my experiment, i have to use the strategy in paper section 3.3
Uder such an initialization, in the presence of class imbalance, the loss due to the frequent class can dominate total loss and cause instability in early training.
train the model using the classical softmax for several times (for examples 3 in kitti dataset)
choose a litti learning rate:
and the traing loss will work well:
about alpha
now focal loss with softmax work well
focal loss value is not used in, becayse we should forward the cls_pro in this layer, the major task of is to backward the focal loss gradient.
the focal loss vale should be calculated in and use normalization in it.
and this layer is not support use_ignore
for example :
class RCNNLogLossMetric(mx.metric.EvalMetric):
def __init__(self, cfg):
super(RCNNLogLossMetric, self).__init__('RCNNLogLoss')
self.e2e = cfg.TRAIN.END2END
self.ohem = cfg.TRAIN.ENABLE_OHEM
self.pred, self.label = get_rcnn_names(cfg)
def update(self, labels, preds):
pred = preds[self.pred.index('rcnn_cls_prob')]
if self.ohem or self.e2e:
label = preds[self.pred.index('rcnn_label')]
label = labels[self.label.index('rcnn_label')]
last_dim = pred.shape[-1]
pred = pred.asnumpy().reshape(-1, last_dim)
label = label.asnumpy().reshape(-1,).astype('int32')
# filter with keep_inds
keep_inds = np.where(label != -1)[0]
label = label[keep_inds]
cls = pred[keep_inds, label]
cls += 1e-14
gamma = 2
alpha = 0.25
cls_loss = alpha*(-1.0 * np.power(1 - cls, gamma) * np.log(cls))
cls_loss = np.sum(cls_loss)/len(label)
#print cls_loss
self.sum_metric += cls_loss
self.num_inst += label.shape[0]
the value must like
forward value
backward gradient value
you can check the gradient value in your debug(if need). By the way
this is my derivation about backward, if it has mistake, please note to me.