Django Uuslug
A Django slugify application that guarantees Uniqueness
and handles Unicode
In short: UUSlug == (U
nique + U
nicode) Slug
How to install
1. easy_install django-uuslug
2. pip install django-uuslug
3. git clone
a. cd django-uuslug
b. run python
4. wget
a. unzip the downloaded file
b. cd into django-uuslug-* directory
c. run python
5. pip install -e git+
How to use
####### Unicode Test #######
from uuslug import slugify
txt = "This is a test ---"
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "this-is-a-test")
txt = "___This is a test ---"
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "this-is-a-test")
txt = "___This is a test___"
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "this-is-a-test")
txt = "This -- is a ## test ---"
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "this-is-a-test")
txt = '影師嗎'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "ying-shi-ma")
txt = 'C\'est déjà l\'été.'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "c-est-deja-l-ete")
txt = 'Nín hǎo. Wǒ shì zhōng guó rén'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "nin-hao-wo-shi-zhong-guo-ren")
txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "jaja-lol-mememeoo-a")
txt = 'Компьютер'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "kompiuter")
txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=9)
self.assertEqual(r, "jaja-lol")
txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=15)
self.assertEqual(r, "jaja-lol-mememe")
txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=50)
self.assertEqual(r, "jaja-lol-mememeoo-a")
txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=15, word_boundary=True)
self.assertEqual(r, "jaja-lol-a")
txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=17, word_boundary=True)
self.assertEqual(r, "jaja-lol-mememeoo")
txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=18, word_boundary=True)
self.assertEqual(r, "jaja-lol-mememeoo")
txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=19, word_boundary=True)
self.assertEqual(r, "jaja-lol-mememeoo-a")
txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=20, word_boundary=True, separator=".")
self.assertEqual(r, "")
txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=20, word_boundary=True, separator="ZZZZZZ")
self.assertEqual(r, "jajaZZZZZZlolZZZZZZmememeooZZZZZZa")
txt = 'one two three four five'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=13, word_boundary=True, save_order=True)
self.assertEqual(r, "one-two-three")
txt = 'one two three four five'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=13, word_boundary=True, save_order=False)
self.assertEqual(r, "one-two-three")
txt = 'one two three four five'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=12, word_boundary=True, save_order=False)
self.assertEqual(r, "one-two-four")
txt = 'one two three four five'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=12, word_boundary=True, save_order=True)
self.assertEqual(r, "one-two")
txt = 'this has a stopword'
r = slugify(txt, stopwords=['stopword'])
self.assertEqual(r, 'this-has-a')
txt = 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
r = slugify(txt, stopwords=['the'])
self.assertEqual(r, 'quick-brown-fox-jumps-over-lazy-dog')
txt = 'Foo A FOO B foo C'
r = slugify(txt, stopwords=['foo'])
self.assertEqual(r, 'a-b-c')
txt = 'Foo A FOO B foo C'
r = slugify(txt, stopwords=['FOO'])
self.assertEqual(r, 'a-b-c')
txt = 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog in a hurry'
r = slugify(txt, stopwords=['the', 'in', 'a', 'hurry'])
self.assertEqual(r, 'quick-brown-fox-jumps-over-lazy-dog')
####### Uniqueness Test #######
from django.db import models
from uuslug import uuslug
# Override your object's save method with something like this (
class CoolSlug(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
slug = models.CharField(max_length=200)
def __unicode__(self):
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.slug = uuslug(, instance=self)
super(CoolSlug, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
# Note: You can also specify the start number.
# Example:
self.slug = uuslug(, instance=self, start_no=2)
# the second slug should start with "-2" instead of "-1"
name = "john"
c = CoolSlug.objects.create(name=name)
print(c.slug) # => "john"
c1 = CoolSlug.objects.create(name=name)
print(c1.slug) # => "john-1"
c2 = CoolSlug.objects.create(name=name)
print(c2.slug) # => "john-2"
# If you need truncation of your slug to exact length, here is an example
class SmartTruncatedSlug(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=19)
slug = models.CharField(max_length=10)
def __unicode__(self):
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.slug = uuslug(, instance=self, max_length=10)
super(SmartTruncatedSlug, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
# If you need automatic truncation of your slug, here is an example
class AutoTruncatedSlug(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=19)
slug = models.CharField(max_length=19)
def __unicode__(self):
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.slug = uuslug(, instance=self)
super(SmartTruncatedSlug, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
Running the tests
To run the tests against the current environment:
python test
Released under a (BSD) license.
X.Y.Z Version
`MAJOR` version -- when you make incompatible API changes,
`MINOR` version -- when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
`PATCH` version -- when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.