Open TUNA project!
This is the infrastructure project of Open TUNA on AWS, orchestrated by AWS CDK.
See below for the overall architecture,
It consists of the following independent stacks,
- Network stack(optional)
- Create a dedicated VPC with public and private subnets across three AZs with NAT gateways
- Create S3 Endpoint
- Storage stack(optional)
- EFS file system
- Common stack
- SNS notification topic
- Slack webhook subscription(optional)
- Open TUNA stack
- S3 asset bucket
- application load balancer
- CloudFront distribution
- log analysis for CloudFront distribution
- ECS cluster for content server and web portal
- issue SSL certificate from ACM(only for using Route53 as DNS resolver)
- create DNS record in R53 for ALB and CloudFront(only for using Route53 as DNS resolver)
- invalidate CloudFront cache when content updates
- S3 buckets for S3-backed repos e.g. rubygems
- Tunasync Manager stack
- auto scaling group for tunasync manager
- intranet application load balancer for manager's API
- elasticache redis cluster for database storage
- Tunasync Worker stack
- auto scaling group for tunasync worker
- install necessary third party tools for mirroring tasks
- use systemctl as daemon to start tunasync worker
- send custom CloudWatch metrics of tunasync process info
- publish large configuration files to s3 asset bucket
- Content Server stack
- build custom nginx container
- use Fargate service to serve mirror contents
- internet facing application load balancer
- collect network metrics by CloudWatch agent
- setup auto scaling rules based on metrics
- Web Portal stack
- use tuna/mirror-web
- route tunasync.json to tunasync manager
- create and run lambda function periodically to generate iso download links
- Monitor stack
- create several CodeBuild projects to verify integrity of index files
- run projects periodically and report upon failure
- trigger re-sync when failure is detected
- Certificate stack
- create CodeBuild project to manual renew Let's Encrypt certificate
- Pipeline stack
- VPC with both public and private subnets crossing two AZs at least and NAT gateway. You can deploy the network stack if you don't have a VPC which satisfies the requirements.
- EFS file system associated with above VPC. You can deploy stack with provisioning a EFS file system without specifying the existing filesystem id of EFS.
How to deploy it
- An AWS account
- Configure credential of aws cli
- Install node.js LTS version, such as 12.x
- Install npm 7.x
- Install Docker Engine
Checkout submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update
Install project dependencies
npm run init
Deploy network stack(optional)
npm run deploy-network
Deploy storage stack(optional)
npx cdk deploy OpenTunaStorageStack -c vpcId=<existing vpc Id>
Deploy open tuna stack
# deploy storage and common stack as well
npx cdk deploy OpenTunaStack -c vpcId=<existing vpc Id>
# subscribe SNS topic alaram to slack channel
# Go to to apply for webhook
npx cdk deploy OpenTunaStack -c vpcId=<existing vpc Id> -c slackHookUrl=<webhook url>
# or deploy with existing EFS filesystem
npx cdk deploy OpenTunaStack -c vpcId=<existing vpc Id> -c fileSystemId=<existing filesystem id> -c fileSystemSGId=<existing sg id of the given file system>
# deploy with domain name and use Route53 as DNS resolver
npx cdk deploy OpenTunaStack -c vpcId=<existing vpc Id> -c domainName=<domain name of site> -c domainZone=<public hosted zone of your domain in Route53>
# deploy with SSL cert of CloudFront for China regions
# upload SSL cert to IAM, for China region only
aws iam upload-server-certificate --server-certificate-name my-domain --certificate-body file://cert.pem --private-key file://privkey.pem --certificate-chain file://chain.pem --path '/cloudfront/'
# get cert id from above output
npx cdk deploy OpenTunaStack -c vpcId=<existing vpc Id> -c domainName=<domain name of site> -c domainZone=<public hosted zone of your domain in Route53> -c iamCertId=<cert id>
The CertificateStack
will be created when using IAM cert for the CloudFront SSL. The stack will create a CodeBuild project to issue new SSL certificates from Let's encrypt. And the build event can be pushed to the pipeline account when deploying the stack via the below context option,
-c certTopicArn=<arn of sns topic created by pipeline stack>
Docker image for content server is automatically built and published. You can build and publish to ecr manually:
$ sudo docker build -t content-server:1.18-alpine .
$ sudo docker tag content-server:1.18-alpine ${uid}.dkr.ecr.${region}
$ sudo docker push ${uid}.dkr.ecr.${region}
How to test
npm run test
Post deployment
- Add email addresses or other subscribers to the notification topic created in the common stack. The alarm notifications related to Open TUNA will be sent to those subscribers.