A cross-platform build system for creating iOS,
macOS, Linux, and Windows programs.
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Thanks to the following people for contributing to Theos in the past: Aehmlo, akemin-dayo, ARM64Darwin1820, ArtikusHG, benrosen78, brendonjkding, conradev, coolstar, DavidSkrundz, DGh0st, Diatrus, dlevi309, DuIslingr, elihwyma, eswick, evelyneee, hirakujira, inoahdev, kemmis, lechium, leptos-null, liuxuan30, mstg, Naville, neoighodaro, nin9tyfour, NSExceptional, opa334, PoomSmart, quiprr, r-plus, Rand01ph, ryannair05, sbingner, Shade-Zepheri, supermamon, theiostream, Tyilo, vsnrain
See LICENSE.md for licensing information.