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ASGI support for the Tartiflette GraphQL engine
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tartiflette-asgi is a wrapper that provides ASGI support for the Tartiflette Python GraphQL engine.

It is ideal for serving a GraphQL API over HTTP, or adding a GraphQL API endpoint to an existing ASGI application (e.g. FastAPI, Starlette, Quart, etc).

Full documentation is available at: https://tartiflette.github.io/tartiflette-asgi


tartiflette-asgi is compatible with:

  • Python 3.6+.
  • Tartiflette 1.x.


First, install Tartiflette's external dependencies, as explained in the Tartiflette tutorial.

Then, you can install Tartiflette and tartiflette-asgi using pip:

pip install tartiflette "tartiflette-asgi==0.*"

You'll also need an ASGI web server. We'll use Uvicorn here:

pip install uvicorn

Create an application that exposes a TartifletteApp instance:

from tartiflette import Resolver
from tartiflette_asgi import TartifletteApp

async def hello(parent, args, context, info):
    name = args["name"]
    return f"Hello, {name}!"

sdl = "type Query { hello(name: String): String }"
app = TartifletteApp(sdl=sdl, path="/graphql")

Save this file as graphql.py, then start the server:

uvicorn graphql:app

Make an HTTP request containing a GraphQL query:

curl http://localhost:8000/graphql -d '{ hello(name: "Chuck") }' -H "Content-Type: application/graphql"

You should get the following JSON response:

{ "data": { "hello": "Hello, Chuck!" } }

To learn more about using tartiflette-asgi, head to the documentation: https://tartiflette.github.io/tartiflette-asgi


Want to contribute? Awesome! Be sure to read our Contributing guidelines.


Changes to this project are recorded in the changelog.
