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Excel API bindings and wrapper API for Ddud
A new dlang build toolconcurrency
Concurrency primitivesoverview
Overview for projects supported by Symmetry Investmentsxlsxd
A thin wrapper around libxlsx to write excel spreadsheetsimap-d
D library for IMAP (JMAP is a work-in-progress but the basics work)faked
D library to create real fake datajupyter-wire
Jupyter wire protocol implementation enabling D plugins to be jupyter kernelsdubproxy
A small library and cli to bypass in a way transparent to dubzfs-on-root-installer
Install ZFS on Root with Ubuntujuliad
Embed Julia in Dlanginflux-d
D programming language wrapper for InfluxDBdsemver
A tool to compute the next semver for dlang programsrabbitmq-d
Bindings for librabbitmq-c for the D programming languageclrbridge
Call .NET code from other languagesxlsxreader
A KISS xlsx readerlibbetterc
A tiny library for doing Dlang(betterc) stuff most likely for wasmmongo-standalone
Standalone mongo driver in Dfeedly
Feedly API written in the D programming languageudt_d
UDT - reliable UDP protocol Dlang WrapperjsonneD
A binding to jsonnet for the D Programming Languagebud
dub from scratchddepstographviz
A tool converting Dlang dep files to colorful pictures displaying the dependency of buildslibvirt
Dlang bindings for libvirtlibzfs-core-d
Dlang wrapper for libzfs-coreinterview-projects
Short projects that interview candidates can work onmrss
D interface to mrss libraryxlsxio-d
Bindings of xlsxio C Excel reader/writer for the D Programming Languagexlsxwriter-d
Dlang bindings to libxlsxwriterdockerfile-dlang
D parser for Dockerfile (wrapper)symmetry-linux
Linux declarations missing from druntimesymmetry_thrift_d
wrapper over libzipsspi-d
Windows SSPI authentication for D programming langiagemathgl
D bindings / wrapper for mathgl chart libraryd-cobertura
Tool to convert D code coverage reports into a format usable by
Simple hugo generated site with axiom themevibejournald
A vibe.d logger that logs into systemd's journaldsil.vim
A SIL plugin for Vim.symmetry-gelf
Gelf (graylog) plugin for std.experimental.loggsymdbi
wrapper over derelict-pq aimed at providing an easy to use APIkafel
D declarations for Google Kafel seccomp librarysmimeasym
A wrapper around openssl's S/MIME asymmetrical encryption, that is compatible with the openssl clilibpostald
A thin wrapper on top of the address parsing library libpostaltrello-d
Automated wrapper generation to call Trello API from Ddotnetcore-d
WIP: Dlang bindings for dotnet coreLazyArgs
A typescript command line argument parser that does the work for youiban
A package for handling IBAN numbersldapauth
A tiny library/function to authenticate a email/password pair against a ldap or active directoryLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us