Graph Neural Network Tutorial for Deep Learning (CO460)
1. Pytorch Geometric Framework
- Understanding Message Passing Scheme in Pytorch Geometric.
- Efficient graph data representations and paralleling minibatching graphs.
- Showcase the implementation of Graph Convolution Networks (Kipf & Welling, SEMI-SUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION WITH GRAPH CONVOLUTIONAL NETWORKS, ICLR 2017), and you should implement GraphSAGE (Hamilton et al, Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs, NIPS 2017) in the lab based on message passing scheme.
2. Vertex Classification
- Showcase a model developed based on our GCN implementation to do vertex classification on Cora dataset.
- Develop a model with your own GraphSAGE (with mean/sum/max aggregation) implementation on the same dataset to get insights of difference.
3. Graph Classification
- Implement GINConv (Xu et al, HOW POWERFUL ARE GRAPH NEURAL NETWORKS?, ICLR 2019) on graph classification benchmark dataset (IMDB) and compare different aggregation functions (SUM/MEAN/MAX).
This tutorial is designed based the Pytorch Geometric library, and we own many thanks to Matthias Fey for making this great library to facilitate the research in Graph Neural Networks.