Component forYou can use 1500 digitized musical instruments and percussions from free sound library to build musical application with React framework.
- how to preload and play an instrument
- how to preload and play a drum
- how to create selectable list of instruments and delay for loading
- how to create selectable list of drum
- how to play short musical fragments
- how to create sequencer
- how to use strumming
- how to use strumming for guitar music
- how to programmatically change properties of sound
- how to attach sounds to piano keys
- how to use independed channels
Open Node.js command line window.
Create React application from
Modify package.json to add dependency to midi-sounds-react component
"name": "my-test",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"homepage": "https://myserver",
"dependencies": {
"react": "^16.2.0",
"react-dom": "^16.2.0",
"react-scripts": "1.1.0",
"midi-sounds-react": "^1.2.45"
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"build": "react-scripts build",
"test": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom",
"eject": "react-scripts eject"
Install dependencies
npm install
Start application
npm start
Navigate browser to http://localhost:3000
Modify src/App.js to add an Component and button.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import MIDISounds from 'midi-sounds-react';
class App extends Component {
playTestInstrument() {
this.midiSounds.playChordNow(3, [60], 2.5);
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
<h1 className="App-title">Welcome to midi-sounds-react example 1</h1>
<p className="App-intro">Press Play to play instrument sound.</p>
<p><button onClick={this.playTestInstrument.bind(this)}>Play</button></p>
<MIDISounds ref={(ref) => (this.midiSounds = ref)} appElementName="root" instruments={[3]} />
export default App;
Main parts
import MIDISounds from 'midi-sounds-react';
- import midi-sounds-react component
ref={(ref) => (this.midiSounds = ref)}
appElementName="root" instruments={[3]}
- insert component into page
this.midiSounds.playChordNow(3, [60], 2.5);
- play sound
See live example, download example from
Component parameters
ref={(ref) => (this.midiSounds = ref)}
- this.midiSounds - variable to use component from code
- appElementName - name of main div of application
- instruments - array of instruments to preload
- drums - array of drums to preload
MIDISounds will be initialized after first render. Use componentDidMount to rerender page with initialized component.
componentDidMount() {
console.log('rerender after init');
Play continuous note sounds
Use this.midiSounds.player.queueWaveTable to start sound and return reference to envelope.
Use envelope.cancel() to stop sound.
List of drums
Use this.midiSounds.player.loader.drumsKeys() to get array of drums.
Use this.midiSounds.player.loader.drumInfo(i).title to get readable drum name.
List of instruments
Use this.midiSounds.player.loader.instrumentKeys() to get array of drums.
Use this.midiSounds.player.loader.instrumentInfo(i).title to get readable drum name.
Load instrument
Use this.midiSounds.cacheInstrument and this.midiSounds.cacheDrum to start instrument and drum loading.
Use this.midiSounds.player.loader.waitLoad to wait till all instruments and drums are loaded.
Change instrument and drum volume
Use setInstrumentVolume(instrument, volume) and setDrumVolume(drum, volume)
Change Master Volume
Use setMasterVolume(n).
Change Echo Level
Use setEchoLevel(value).
Change Equalizer
- setBand32(level)
- setBand64(level)
- setBand128(level)
- setBand256(level)
- setBand512(level)
- setBand1k(level)
- setBand2k(level)
- setBand4k(level)
- setBand8k(level)
- setBand16k(level)
Cancel all sounds
Use cancelQueue()
Use contextTime() to get current time of Audio context.
How to calculate musical durations
var bpm = 120;
var N = 4 * 60 / bpm;
var duration16th = N/16;
Play drums
- playDrumsAt(when, drums)
- playDrumsNow(drums)
- when - time
- drums - array of drum numbers
Play instruments
- playChordNow(instrument, pitches, duration)
- playChordAt(when, instrument, pitches, duration)
- playStrumUpNow(instrument, pitches, duration)
- playStrumUpAt(when, instrument, pitches, duration)
- playStrumDownAt(when, instrument, pitches, duration)
- playStrumDownNow(instrument, pitches, duration)
- playSnapNow(instrument, pitches, duration)
- playSnapAt(when, instrument, pitches, duration)
- when - time
- instrument - number of instrument
- pitches - array of pitches
- duration - durations
Play beat
playBeatAt(when, beat, bpm)
- when - time
- beat - array of drums and chords
- bpm - beats per minute
Example of beat array
- drum1, drum2 - numbers of drums
- guitar, bass - numbers of instruments
- [S6+1,S5+3,S4+3] and [S6+1,S5+3,S4+3] - array with pitches
- 1/4 - duration as part of full note for the bpm
- down - 1|2|3 for strum down, strum up or snap
Play loop
startPlayLoop(beats, bpm, density, fromBeat)
- beats - array of beat arrays
- bpm - beats per minute
- dencity - duration of row at array
- fromBeat - start beat number
Use stopPlayLoop() to cancel play.
How to get help
Feel free to ask any help at project issues.