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  • Created almost 12 years ago
  • Updated about 8 years ago


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ObjectiveC additions for humans. Ruby style.


Write Objective C like a boss.

A set of functional additions for Foundation you wish you'd had in the first place.

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  1. Install via CocoaPods

    pod 'ObjectiveSugar'
  2. Import the public header

    #import <ObjectiveSugar/ObjectiveSugar.h>


NSNumber additions

[@3 times:^{
// Hello!
// Hello!
// Hello!

[@3 timesWithIndex:^(NSUInteger index) {
    NSLog(@"Another version with number: %d", index);
// Another version with number: 0
// Another version with number: 1
// Another version with number: 2

[@1 upto:4 do:^(NSInteger numbah) {
    NSLog(@"Current number.. %d", numbah);
// Current number.. 1
// Current number.. 2
// Current number.. 3
// Current number.. 4

[@7 downto:4 do:^(NSInteger numbah) {
    NSLog(@"Current number.. %d", numbah);
// Current number.. 7
// Current number.. 6
// Current number.. 5
// Current number.. 4

NSDate *firstOfDecember = [NSDate date]; // let's pretend it's 1st of December

NSDate *firstOfNovember = [@30.days since:firstOfDecember];
// 2012-11-01 00:00:00 +0000

NSDate *christmas = [@7.days until:newYearsDay];
// 2012-12-25 00:00:00 +0000

NSDate *future = @24.days.fromNow;
// 2012-12-25 20:49:05 +0000

NSDate *past = @1.month.ago;
// 2012-11-01 20:50:28 +00:00

-- NSArray / NSSet additions

// All of these methods return a modified copy of the array.
// They're not modifying the source array.

NSArray *cars = @[@"Testarossa", @"F50", @"F458 Italia"]; // or NSSet

[cars each:^(id object) {
    NSLog(@"Car: %@", object);
// Car: Testarossa
// Car: F50
// Car: F458 Italia

[cars eachWithIndex:^(id object, NSUInteger index) {
    NSLog(@"Car: %@ index: %i", object, index);
// Car: Testarossa index: 0
// Car: F50 index: 1
// Car: F458 Italia index: 2

[cars each:^(id object) {
    NSLog(@"Car: %@", object);
} options:NSEnumerationReverse];
// Car: F458 Italia
// Car: F50
// Car: Testarossa

[cars eachWithIndex:^(id object, NSUInteger index) {
    NSLog(@"Car: %@ index: %i", object, index);
} options:NSEnumerationReverse];
// Car: F458 Italia index: 2
// Car: F50 index: 1
// Car: Testarossa index: 0

[cars map:^(NSString* car) {
    return car.lowercaseString;
// testarossa, f50, f458 italia

// Or, a more common example:
[cars map:^(NSString* carName) {
    return [[Car alloc] initWithName:carName];
// array of Car objects

NSArray *mixedData = @[ @1, @"Objective Sugar!", @"Github", @4, @"5"];

[mixedData select:^BOOL(id object) {
  return ([object class] == [NSString class]);
// Objective Sugar, Github, 5

[mixedData reject:^BOOL(id object) {
    return ([object class] == [NSString class]);
// 1, 4

NSArray *numbers = @[ @5, @2, @7, @1 ];
[numbers sort];
// 1, 2, 5, 7

// 458 Italia
// F50

-- NSArray only

NSArray *numbers = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6];

// index from 2 to 4
// [@3, @4, @5]

// index from 2 to 4 (excluded)
// [@3, @4]

// With NSRange location: 2, length: 4
// [@3, @4, @5, @6]

NSValue *range = [NSValue valueWithRange:NSMakeRange(2, 4)];
// [@3, @4, @5, @6]

[numbers reverse];
// [@6, @5, @4, @3, @2, @1]

NSArray *fruits = @[ @"banana", @"mango", @"apple", @"pear" ];

[fruits includes:@"apple"];
// YES

[fruits take:3];
// banana, mango, apple

[fruits takeWhile:^BOOL(id fruit) {
    return ![fruit isEqualToString:@"apple"];
// banana, mango

NSArray *nestedArray = @[ @[ @1, @2, @3 ], @[ @4, @5, @6, @[ @7, @8 ] ], @9, @10 ];
[nestedArray flatten];
// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

NSArray *abc = @[ @"a", @"b", @"c" ];
[abc join];
// abc

[abc join:@"-"];
// a-b-c

NSArray *mixedData = @[ @1, @"Objective Sugar!", @"Github", @4, @"5"];

[mixedData detect:^BOOL(id object) {
    return ([object class] == [NSString class]);
// Objective Sugar

// TODO: Make a better / simpler example of this
NSArray *landlockedCountries = @[ @"Bolivia", @"Paraguay", @"Austria", @"Switzerland", @"Hungary" ];
NSArray *europeanCountries = @[ @"France", @"Germany", @"Austria", @"Spain", @"Hungary", @"Poland", @"Switzerland" ];

[landlockedCountries intersectionWithArray:europeanCountries];
// landlockedEuropeanCountries = Austria, Switzerland, Hungary

[landlockedCountries unionWithArray:europeanCountries];
// landlockedOrEuropean = Bolivia, Paraguay, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, France, Germany, Spain, Poland

[landlockedCountries relativeComplement:europeanCountries];
// nonEuropeanLandlockedCountries = Bolivia, Paraguay

[europeanCountries relativeComplement:landlockedCountries];
// notLandlockedEuropeanCountries = France, Germany, Spain, Poland

[landlockedCountries symmetricDifference:europeanCountries];
// uniqueCountries = Bolivia, Paraguay, France, Germany, Spain, Poland

-- NSMutableArray additions

NSMutableArray *people = @[ @"Alice", @"Benjamin", @"Christopher" ];

[people push:@"Daniel"]; // Alice, Benjamin, Christopher, Daniel

[people pop]; // Daniel
// people = Alice, Benjamin, Christopher

[people pop:2]; // Benjamin, Christopher
// people = Alice

[people concat:@[ @"Evan", @"Frank", @"Gavin" ]];
// people = Alice, Evan, Frank, Gavin

[people keepIf:^BOOL(id object) {
    return [object characterAtIndex:0] == 'E';
// people = Evan

-- NSDictionary additions

NSDictionary *dict = @{ @"one" : @1, @"two" : @2, @"three" : @3 };

[dict each:^(id key, id value){
    NSLog(@"Key: %@, Value: %@", key, value);
// Key: one, Value: 1
// Key: two, Value: 2
// Key: three, Value: 3

[dict eachKey:^(id key) {
    NSLog(@"Key: %@", key);
// Key: one
// Key: two
// Key: three

[dict eachValue:^(id value) {
    NSLog(@"Value: %@", value);
// Value: 1
// Value: 2
// Value: 3

[dict invert];
// { 1 = one, 2 = two, 3 = three}

NSDictionary *errors = @{
    @"username" : @[ @"already taken" ],
    @"password" : @[ @"is too short (minimum is 8 characters)", @"not complex enough" ],
    @"email" : @[ @"can't be blank" ];

[errors map:^(id attribute, id reasons) {
    return NSStringWithFormat(@"%@ %@", attribute, [reasons join:@", "]);
// username already taken
// password is too short (minimum is 8 characters), not complex enough
// email can't be blank

[errors hasKey:@"email"]
// true
[errors hasKey:@"Alcatraz"]
// false

-- NSString additions

NSString *sentence = NSStringWithFormat(@"This is a text-with-argument %@", @1234);
// This is a text-with-argument 1234

[sentence split];
// array = this, is, a, text-with-argument, 1234

[sentence split:@"-"]
// array = this is a text, with, argument 1234

[sentence containsString:@"this is a"];
// YES

[sentence match:@"-[a-z]+-"]
// -with-

-- C additions

unless(_messages) {
    // The body is only executed if the condition is false
    _messages = [self initializeMessages];

int iterations = 10;
until(iterations == 0) {
    // The body is executed until the condition is false
    // 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
    printf("%d ", iterations);

iterations = 10;
do {
    // The body is executed at least once until the condition is false
    // Will print: Executed!
} until(true);


ObjectiveSugar is tested with Kiwi, and tests are located in Example.
If you plan on contributing to the project, please:

  • Write tests
  • Write documentation
