Projects and channels that have decided to leave Freenode
Freenode is dead. Long live Libera! This repository is no longer being updated.
This is an ongoing list of projects and channels that have decided to permanently move out of Freenode to (unless stated otherwise). Please open an issue, PR or PM me on IRC (siraben) if there's additions or corrections, such as adding citation links.
Note: I can only accept additional projects and channels to the list accompanied with a citation, which can be (but is not limited to): an official announcement, wiki page, git commit, IRC log, social media post by project lead/official account, etc.
- /tmp/lab
- 2600Hz
- 389 Directory Server
- 801 Labs
- Aaru Data Preservation Suite
- abcde
- Accidental Tech Podcast
- AcroBot
- #ada
- afew
- AFPy
- AFRA (to HackInt)
- Agda
- Aircrack-ng
- Airship (to OFTC)
- Akaros
- Alacritty
- #algorithms
- All Hands Active (to
- Allegro
- Alpine (to OFTC)
- AlternC
- alwaysdata
- Amarok
- Anbox
- Angband
- ##anime
- Anklang
- Ansible
- Ansible AWX
- Anthon Open Source Community (AOSC)
- Apache CouchDB
- Apache HTTPD
- Apache NetBeans
- Apache OpenOffice
- Apache Subversion
- Apertium (to OFTC)
- Apertus
- Apktool
- AppImage
- April
- Arcan Chat
- Arch Hurd
- Arch Linux
- ArchStrike
- Ardour
- Arduino
- Arianne Project
- Armbian
- Artix Linux
- Arx Libertatis
- arxiv-ml-reviews
- Asahi Linux (to OFTC)
- Asterisk
- AsteroidOS
- Atheme
- #atu
- Aurutils
- Austin Hackers
- Autocrypt
- AutoForme (to Forums)
- Automated Bug Reporting Tool (ABRT)
- #awk
- backspace e.V (Hackerspace Bamberg)
- barebox
- Barrier
- Base48, z.s.
- baserock
- BastilleBSD
- batman-adv (to hackint)
- Battle for Wesnoth
- Beaker
- beancount
- Bedrock Linux
- Beets
- bgpwtf
- bhyve
- bitbot
- Bitcoin Core
- BizHawk
- BlackArch (to
- blender
- Bleve (to Gitter)
- Blue Nebula
- Bluespec Compiler
- BookBrainz
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrappable Builds
- BorgBackup
- borgmatic
- #botters
- BoxMatrix
- bpython (to OFTC)
- Brainstorm
- brmlab
- Brogue CE
- bsdrp
- bspwm
- Btrbk
- btrfs
- Bucardo
- Bugzilla
- Buildbot
- Buildroot (to OFTC)
- BundleWrap
- BunsenLabs
- Bytewerk
- BZFlag
- c-lightning
- #c64friends
- c:geo (to Github)
- cabal
- Cadmium
- Calamares
- Calculate Linux (to
- calendar-cli (to OFTC)
- Calligra
- Calyxos
- Canvas-LMS
- card10
- Cardiffrb
- Carnap
- caronade (to GitHub)
- #cat-v (to OFTC)
- Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
- #cde
- Celery
- CentOS
- cgit
- Chaos Computer Club Cologne (CCCC) (to hackint)
- Chaos Computer Club Stuttgart (CCCS)
- Chaos Space Operation Centre (CSOC)
- Chaskis
- ChiBUG: The Chicago Area BSD Users Group
- CHICKEN scheme
- Chihaya
- chimper
- circe
- Citra Emulator
- cjdns
- ckb-next
- ClamAV (to Discord)
- Clash
- Classic Blades of Exile
- Clojure
- cloud-init
- ClusterLabs
- CMU Computer Club
- Cochise Linux User Group (to mailing lists)
- Cockpit
- Code4Lib
- Code::Stats
- codybot
- Coffee House Coders
- Collabora Online
- Composr CMS
- ConnectBot
- Conquest
- Convos
- Coq
- coreboot
- Coredump Hackerspace
- CoreRAD
- CorsixTH (to Matrix)
- Countervandalism Network
- Cozy Cloud
- Critter
- Crosstool-NG
- cryptmypi (to OFTC)
- Crystal Lang
- #csharp
- ctjb
- Cura
- Curitiba Livre
- Curl
- D-Lang
- Dale Harris Cash Register (DHPOS)
- darktable (to OFTC)
- Das U-Boot
- Dataverse (to Matrix)
- dav1d
- DC801
- Debian
- deegree
- Delta Chat
- Demosplash
- Denemo
- ##dependent
- #design
- Desmume
- #developerslv
- Devon and Cornwall GNU/Linux Users Group (DCGLUG)
- Devuan
- DFeed
- Diakonos
- diaspora
- DIGImend
- Dim Sum Labs
- dircproxy
- Directord
- DiscFerret
- Distrap
- Django
- #dns
- docker-hs (to Github)
- Dokku
- Dolphin
- Dovecot (to OFTC)
- Dulwich (to OFTC)
- Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup
- dynasm-rs
- EasyRPG
- ECMA TC39 (to Matrix, with presence on Libera)
- Edinburgh Hacklab
- eduVPN
- eev
- Eggdrop
- elastic (to Slack)
- Electromagnetic Field
- Electrum
- eLinux
- Elixir
- Elvish
- Emacs
- Emacs User Group Berlin
- #emacs-beginners
- Embeddable Common-Lisp
- ENet
- Enlightenment
- Erbium
- #erc
- Ergo IRCd (formerly Oragono)
- Esolangs
- ET: Legacy
- EteSync
- ETS2 Job Logger
- Evolix
- Exaile (to Mailing List and GitHub)
- Exherbo
- Exim
- Exodus Privacy
- Extreme Tux Racer
- exult
- EyeInTheSky IRC Bot
- F-Droid (to OFTC)
- Fabric (to personal blog)
- Fantasya
- farmOS
- fceux
- Fcitx
- Fedora
- Fedora Silverblue
- Fedora Zhongwen User Group
- #feminism
- Fengari
- Fennel
- Ffmpeg
- FileWiki
- Fink Project
- Flashrom
- Flatcar Container Linux (to Matrix)
- Flathub (to Matrix)
- fli4l
- Fluid (to Matrix)
- fog (to GitHub)
- Fontforge
- foot
- #forth
- Free Pascal
- Free Software Foundation
- FreeBSD
- Freeciv
- FreeCS
- freedesktop (to OFTC)
- FreedroidRPG
- FreeGameDev (to IRC)
- FreeHL
- FreeIPA
- Freenet
- FreePBX
- FreeRDP (to OFTC)
- Freifunk Vogtland (to hackint)
- FrOSCon
- Froxlor
- Fryktelig fin faktura
- #fuchsia (to OFTC)
- Fusion Directory
- FusionForge
- FVWM-crystal
- Gabbi (to OFTC)
- GalliumOS
- Gamingonlinux
- Gandi
- Ganeti Project (to OFTC)
- Geany (to Github)
- Geek Space 9
- GemRB
- Gentoo
- Gentoo e.V.
- GeoMoose
- geOrchestra
- GhettoForge
- Git
- Gitolite
- Glasgow Debug Tool
- Glewlwyd
- Glowing Bear
- Gnocchi (to OFTC)
- GNU Health
- GNU Octave
- GNU Poke
- GNU Radio
- #gnus
- go-imap
- go-smtp
- go-systemd (to Github)
- Gobolinux
- Golang
- Google Benchmark
- gophernicus
- Gothenburg Hackerspace
- gPodder
- Grafana
- GrapheneOS
- Great Scott Gadgets
- Grml (to OFTC)
- Grunndev (to DALnet)
- GStreamer (to OFTC)
- Guile
- Guix
- Guix China
- HAB-Documentation
- ##hackers
- Hackerspace AU Mans (HAUM)
- Hackerspace brmlab
- HackSoc
- Hagrid (to OFTC)
- Haiku (to OFTC)
- Hakierspejs ΕΓ³dΕΊ
- hakyll
- Halium (to Matrix)
- HamBSD
- Hammerspoon
- HandBrake
- HAProxy
- Hardened GNU/Linux (to OFTC)
- HardenedBSD
- Hardfought
- hashcat
- Haskell
- Haskell ITA
- haskell.nix
- Haveno
- HCoop
- HearthSim (to Discord)
- Hellomouse
- helloSystem
- Helsinki Finite-State Technology (to OFTC)
- herbstluftwm
- HexChat
- High Altitude Ballooning
- HipHopVM (to Slack)
- hl://Dig
- hledger
- Holarse
- Home Manager (to OFTC)
- ##homebrewcpu
- Horizon EDA
- Hplusroadmap
- HPy
- htop
- Huggle 3
- Hundred Rabbits (to
- HydraBus
- i3 (to OFTC)
- IBus
- iDevGames (to Discord)
- IdleRPG
- IdleRPG-ng
- Illumos
- Indian Linux User's Group - Chennai
- Indico
- IndieWeb
- infer
- Inkscape
- inspectrum
- interchange commerce
- Interim OS
- invidious (moved to Matrix)
- ioquake3
- IPFire
- IPFS (to Matrix and Discord)
- #ipv6
- iPXE
- IRCdns
- #ircpuzzles
- irctokens
- IRCv3 WG
- Irssi
- Isabelle Prover
- Isso
- ius
- Ivoz Provider
- Jabbot
- JACK Audio Connection Kit
- ##java
- Jazzband
- Jellyfin
- Jenkins
- jenkins-debian-glue (to OFTC)
- Jetty Project (to mailing lists)
- JeuxLibres
- Joinmarket
- JRuby
- K-9 Mail
- Kakoune
- Kallithea Project
- kameloso
- Kanboard (to forums)
- kannader
- Kanshi
- Kata Containers (to OFTC)
- KeePassXC
- #kerberos
- Kiali
- KiCad
- killer
- Kirikiri SDL2
- Kiss Linux
- Known
- kpatch
- Kresus
- Krita
- Kronosnet
- Kvazaar
- KVIrc
- L2-zoology
- Lab::Measurement
- Labgrid
- ##latin
- Launchpad
- Leapp
- ledger
- Leiningen
- libass
- libcamera (to OFTC)
- libgit2
- libguestfs
- libimobiledevice
- libopencm3
- libp2p (to Matrix)
- Libre Space Foundation
- Libreboot
- LibreCAD
- librecast
- Libreelec
- LibreOffice
- Libreswan
- libuv (to Github)
- Liege Hackerspace
- LilyPond
- Limnoria
- Linaro (to mailing lists)
- LineageOS
- LINKping hackerspace
- Linu.X-lab
- ##linux
- Linux Foundation
- Linux From Scratch
- Linux Surface
- Linux System Roles
- Linux Terminal Server Project
- Linux Test project
- Linux User Group FH Hagenberg (fhLUG)
- Linux User Group Oberhausen Rheinland (LUGOR)
- Linux User Group, University of Science and Technology of China (LUG @ USTC) (to OFTC)
- Linux Users' Group Of Durgapur (DGPLUG)
- #linux-amlogic
- #linux-exynos
- LinuxCNC
- LinuxGameCast
- Linuxkompis
- LinuxTV (to OFTC)
- #lisp
- #lispgames Community
- LiteX
- LMMS (to Discord)
- Lobsters
- Lokke: Clojure for Guile
- London Hackspace
- Looking Glass
- lorri
- (to OFTC)
- Lua Fr
- LundLinuxCon
- Lutris
- LuXeria
- Lwan
- lykos
- M-Labs (to OFTC)
- M36
- MaadiX
- MacPorts
- Maddy Mail Server (to OFTC)
- Madeinfr
- Maemo Leste
- Mageia Linux
- Mageia Linux Online (Francophone Mageia Community)
- Magic Wormhole
- / #mainlv
- mal
- Managarm
- Manatools
- MapServer
- Marathon Speedrun Developers
- MariaDB
- Mass Open Cloud (to OFTC)
- Mastodon
- MATE Desktop
- Mate SlackBuilds
- Matrix
- Matroska
- matterbridge
- mblaze
- #mcdevs
- MCF Gthread
- Mednafen (to OFTC)
- MeerK40t
- MegaGlest
- meli (to OFTC)
- Memory Pool System Kit (to email)
- Mender
- Mesa (to OFTC)
- Meson (to OFTC)
- Meson Build (to OFTC)
- MetaBrainz
- mew
- Mezzano
- mGBA
- mgmtconfig
- microG
- MidnightBSD
- Minecraft devs
- Minecraft Overviewer
- Mineserver
- Minetest
- minible
- MirageOS
- Miraheze
- mksh (to OFTC, for now)
- #mobitopia
- MoinMoinChat
- Mojolicious
- Monasca (to OFTC)
- Monero
- Monitoring Plugins
- MooTools (to GitHub)
- MorphOS
- Mousepaw Media
- mpv
- Mudlet
- MUGS (Multi-User Gaming Services)
- Mumble (to Matrix)
- Music Player Daemon (MPD)
- Musl
- Mutt
- MyBrowse
- Mylar3
- Myriadcoin
- #mysql
- MythTV
- naemon
- Narwhal
- Neomutt
- neovim
- NetBSD
- Netdisco
- Netfilter
- Nethack
- NetworkManager
- New Delhi BSD User Group
- New York City BSD User Group
- NewPipe
- Newsboat
- NewtonScript
- Nicotine+
- Nikola Generator
- Nim programming language
- Nix User Repository (NUR) (to Matrix)
- nix-bitcoin
- NixOS (to Matrix), IRC channels to Libera
- nMigen
- NMState
- node-dmx
- Node.js
- nom
- Noncesense Research Lab
- Nonguix
- North Bay Linux Users' Group (NBLUG)
- Northeastern University Programming Research Lab (NUPRL) (to Matrix)
- Notmuch
- notqmail
- NuTyX GNU/Linux
- Oasis Linux
- Obarun
- OCaml
- Octaforge (to OFTC)
- OctoPrint
- oidentd
- Olimex Ltd.
- OmniOS
- Open Infrastructure Labs (to OFTC)
- Open Source Club at The Ohio State University
- Open Source Lab at Oregon State University
- OpenBSD
- #opendarwin
- OpenDev Collaboratory (to OFTC)
- OpenEmbedded
- ##openfpga
- OpenGameArt (to IRC)
- #openhab
- OpenIKED
- OpenIndiana
- OpenKeychain
- OpenLab Augsburg
- OpenLDAP
- OpenMPTL
- openMSX
- OpenMW
- OpenNMS
- OpenQBMM
- OpenRC
- OpenRW
- OpenSCAD
- OpenStack (to OFTC)
- openSUSE
- openvswitch
- OpenWRT (to OFTC)
- OpenZFS
- OpenZFS on OS X
- OPNsense
- Org mode
- organice
- OSGeo
- #ostc
- OTFBot
- Otter Browser
- ovhnas
- ownCloud
- Packetframe
- Packit
- Palaver (to, bridged to
- pass (password-store)
- Patagonia Libre
- PBUI Project
- PCLinuxOS magazine (to XMPP)
- #PDP-10
- PE Resource Kit
- PeerTube
- pekwm
- Pepper & Carrot
- Performance Co-Pilot
- Perl
- Pico CMS
- PicoLisp
- pimutils
- Pioneer Space Sim
- PipeWire (to OFTC)
- Pistache
- PiStorm
- Pithos (to GitHub)
- pkgconf (to OFTC)
- Plain Text Accounting
- (to OFTC)
- Pleroma
- Podman
- polybar
- PonyMail
- Porteus
- Portland Common Data Model (pcdm) (to Slack)
- PostgreSQL
- postmarketOS (to OFTC)
- PowerShell
- PrawnOS
- Priyom
- #proglangdesign
- Project Apollo - NASSP
- Project Bureau
- Prometheus
- Proxmark3
- Pubstandards London
- Pulp Project
- PulseAudio
- purdueLUG
- PureScript (to Slack)
- py3status (to OFTC)
- pydle
- PyLink
- PyPy
- pyShelf (to Github)
- pytest
- Python
- Python Argentina
- Python Cryptographic Authority
- Python Packaging Authority
- Python-GSSAPI
- PythonPune User Group
- QOwnNotes
- Qt
- Qt Creator
- Quassel
- Quasseldroid
- Queensland Functional Programming Lab (QFPL)
- Queerious Labs
- quick-lint-js
- qutebrowser
- r/linux
- r/nfl
- r/sysadmin
- r/tennis
- r/weakpots
- Racket
- radare
- Radeon and #ROCm (to OFTC)
- Rainmeter
- Raku
- Rakudo
- ranger
- Ratpoison
- ##rbxdev
- RDO (to OFTC)
- re2c (to OFTC)
- re:Web
- Real Liberty Media
- Remi's RPM repository
- RenderDoc (to OFTC)
- Reprap
- Reproducibility:NixOS ( (to Matrix)
- restic
- Retro Forth
- Revault
- Reverse Engineers' Hex Editor (REHEX)
- Revolution IRC
- #revspace
- RIOT OS (to Matrix)
- rirc
- #riscv
- Risu
- river
- Rizin
- rms-support-letter
- Robigalia
- Rockbox
- Rocket
- Rocky Linux
- Rocm (to OFTC)
- Roda (to Google Groups)
- Rodauth
- ROS (to Forums)
- Roundcube
- rpi-img-builder
- rspamd (to OFTC)
- RSS-Bridge
- Rsync
- rsyscall (to OFTC)
- Ruby
- Rust Bitcoin Community
- Rust Embedded
- rust-libp2p (to forums)
- rust-miniscript
- rxvt-unicode
- Ryzom Core
- s6 (to OFTC)
- Sailfish OS (to OFTC)
- Salix-OS
- Salt Project
- San Diego BSD Users Group
- sbctl
- Scalaz
- #scheme
- SCons
- #scopehal
- Scottish Linux User Group (ScotLUG)
- Scrapy
- ScummVM
- Scuttlebutt
- Seamonkey Internet Suite
- Seattle GNU/Linux Conference
- Selenium
- selfhtml (to Matrix)
- Sequel (to Google Groups)
- Sequoia-PGP (to OFTC)
- SerenityOS
- serious-bg
- SFZ Format
- SFZ Tools
- Shadytel
- Sheffgeeks
- Shinra
- SickGear
- sigrok
- Silicon Valley Linux User Group (SVLUG)
- Siouxland Linux Users Group
- Slackware
- SLASH'EM Extended
- SmartOS
- snapd
- SNES Central (to Discord)
- sngrep
- Software Freedom Conservancy (to XMPP)
- Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC)
- Software Heritage
- Solanum
- Solus
- Sonarr
- SopelIRC
- SoS
- Sound Open Firmware (SOF) (to Gitter)
- Source Mage GNU/Linux
- Sourcehut
- SouthEast LinuxFest
- SpaceVim
- Sparky Linux
- Spidr (to mailing lists)
- spline
- spodeli
- Sqitch
- SQLAlchemy
- SquirrelJME
- Stacken
- StarlingX (to OFTC)
- steam (python module)
- SteamKit2
- Stendhal
- Stevenarella (to
- STE||AR Group
- STM32 Peripheral Access Crates (##stm32-rs) (to Matrix)
- strace (to OFTC)
- Stripe (to Discord)
- strongSwan
- StumpWM
- Subcarpathian BSD User Group (to Matrix)
- Sudo Room
- Sugar Labs (to Matrix)
- SundayMoaning
- Sunflower
- SuperTux
- SuperTuxKart
- supybot-github
- Sway
- SWI-Prolog
- Syncthing (to Forums)
- System Security Services Daemon
- Systemd
- Tahoe-LAFS
- Tasks
- Taskwarrior
- TASVideos
- Team Fortress Wiki
- Techrights (to self-hosted)
- Tenacity
- Termux
- Textual
- The Foreman Project
- The Lounge
- The Mana World
- The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment
- The Offbeat Computation Club
- The Powder Toy
- The Secret Chronicles of Dr. M.
- The TenDRA Project
- The YAML Project
- TheAirPortWiki
- Tiled (to Discord)
- Tinc App
- #titandev
- ToaruOS
- TomeNET
- Toot
- Townforge
- Tox Reference Implementation for Android
- Toxic
- Toybox
- Tracks
- Transtats
- Tridactyl
- Trinity Desktop Environment
- TroLUG
- TrueNAS
- Tryton
- Tuna
- Tuner
- TurrisTech (to OFTC)
- Tvheadend
- TVL (to hackint)
- Twin Cities Maker (tcmaker)
- Twisted Matrix Labs
- Typhoon (to GitHub)
- TΓΌbix
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Arizona LoCo Team
- Ubuntu Budgie
- Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix
- UHF Satcom (to Discord)
- Ulfius
- Ultimate Hacking Keyboard
- unity-gentoo
- Unknown Horizons
- Unreal Engine
- Unshift (to Github)
- Unvanquished
- Vabal
- vallumd (to OFTC)
- VARCem (to
- VCF Berlin
- Vegastrike
- Veil2
- VideoLAN
- Vikings
- Vim
- Virtualbox (to OFTC)
- Visidata
- Void Linux
- Vouch
- Vox Populi
- vpsAdminOS
- vpsFree
- Warpzone (to hackint)
- Warsaw Hackerspace
- Wasp-os
- Wayfire
- wayvnc
- Wazo Platform (to Mattermost)
- #web
- Webarchitects Co-op
- WebKitGTK (to GIMPNet)
- WeeChat
- Weechat-Android
- Werewolf
- Weston (to OFTC)
- WHATWG (to Matrix)
- Whim
- Whipper
- Widelands
- WikiFur
- Wikimedia
- wilug
- Window Maker
- ##windows
- Wine
- WireGuard
- wolfy 1339
- WordPress
- Wormser Linux User Stammtisch (WOLUST)
- WPE Webkit (to OFTC)
- WSL Utilities
- wxFormBuilder
- wxWeaver
- wxWidgets
- X.Org (to OFTC)
- Xandikos (to OFTC)
- Xapian
- XCP-ng (to OFTC)
- Xdebug
- xem
- Xen (to OFTC)
- XFS (to OFTC)
- XigmaNAS
- Xiph
- Xmonad
- xNetHack
- xoreos
- xpra
- Xross Entity Map (XEM)
- XTools
- Xubuntu
- ##yamahasynths
- Yancy
- #yast
- yaydl (to OFTC)
- yiiframework
- Yocto Project
- Yosys
- Zapp
- zbus (to Matrix)
- ZDaemon
- ZealDocs
- Zed Attack Proxy
- ZeroMQ
- Zig
- zrepl - ZFS Replication (to Matrix)
- Zrythm DAW
- Zsh
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- zynaddsubfx