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  • Rank 49,030 (Top 1.0 %)
  • Language HCL
  • Created about 3 years ago
  • Updated 6 months ago


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Companion repo for complete Terraform course

DevOps Directive Terraform Course

This is the companion repo to: Complete Terraform Course - From BEGINNER to PRO! (Learn Infrastructure as Code)


01 - Evolution of Cloud + Infrastructure as Code

High level overview of the evolution of cloud computing and infrastructure as code.

This module does not have any corresponding code.

02 - Overview + Setup

Terraform overview and setup instructions.

Includes basic hello world terraform config to provision a single AWS EC2 instance.

03 - Basics

Covers main usage pattern, setting up remote backends (where the terraform state is stored) using terraform Cloud and AWS, and provides a naive implementation of a web application architecture.

04 - Variables and Outputs

Introduces the concepts of variables which enable Terraform configurations to be flexible and composable. Refactors web application to use these features.

05 - Language Features

Describes additional features of the Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL).

06 - Organization and Modules

Demonstrates how to structure terraform code into reuseable modules and how to instantiate/configure modules.

07 - Managing Multiple Environments

Shows two methods for managing multiple environments (e.g. dev/staging/prodution) with Terraform.

08 - Testing

Explains different types of testing (manual + automated) for Terraform modules and configurations.

09 - Developer Workflows + CI/CD

Covers how teams can work together with Terraform and how to set up CI/CD pipelines to keep infrastructure environments up to date.