What is this
Script that runs in background allowng change of keyboard layout by Ctrl+Shift the right way - with lots of tiny but important details implemented on Windows but missing on Linux.
There are two implementations:
for generic Linux distributions utilizingxkb-switch
- specific for gnome and the only option for Ubuntu 20 where xkb-switch does not work
Requres pynput python lib to be installed
Run: pip install --user pynput
C++ application allowing to switch Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu Linux Compiled form GitHub repo https://github.com/ierton/xkb-switch All credits goes to J. Bromley, S. Mironov, Alexei Rad'kov
Run 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; xkb-switch -h' for additional info
Simple python script waiting for Ctrl+Shift key combination to be pressed and then released on the keyboard. Specific combination can be changed by editing 'key_combinations' list inside layout_switcher.py Scripts receive 2 sh commands as command line arguments and execute them one after another on every Ctrl+Shift release
Created based on this guide https://nitratine.net/blog/post/how-to-make-hotkeys-in-python/
Simple bash script which joins all parts together and make it work.
Simple bash script that uses gdbus
to switch layouts
Usage (for xkb-switch version)
Put layout_switcher.py and xkb-switch in same folder Run: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; xkb-switch -l You should see all available keyboard layouts. E.g. us, ru
Try to switch between to layouts using xkb-switch Run: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; xkb-switch -s us Run: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; xkb-switch -s ru
If xkb-switch works as expected, you can try layout_switcher.sh Run layout_switcher.sh and try to switch layout by Ctrl+Shift
Note: If you have layouts different from us/ru, layout_switcher.sh need to be edited to update layouts as necessary.
Script layout_switcher.sh can be added to /etc/profile to start on system boot.
Usage (without xkb-switch, gnome specific)
Just run layout_switcher_ubuntu20_gnome.sh
Tested with Python 3.8.10 Tested in Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon, Ubuntu 18.0.4, Ubuntu 20.0.4 (w/o xkb-switch)