Generic TCP Server (gen_tcp_server
) is an Erlang behaviour providing quick and
easy way to add TCP server functionality to you application. It's implemented as
a supervisor managing TCP connections as it's children.
- Run
to build. - Run
make test
to run tests. - Add as a dependency to your
{gen_tcp_server, "", {git, "git://", {tag, "1.0.1"}}}
The gen_tcp_server
behaviour specifies three callbacks:
- called on accepting a new connection
handle_accept(Socket :: socket()) -> {ok, State :: term()} | {stop, Reason :: term()}.
- for handling incoming TCP data
handle_tcp(Socket :: socket(), Data :: binary(), State :: term()) -> {ok, State :: term()} |
{stop, Reason :: term()}.
- called when socket is closed
-type reason :: normal | {tcp_error, term()} |
{handle_accept_error, term()} | {handle_tcp_error, term()}.
handle_close(Socket :: socket(), Reason :: reason(), State :: term()) -> ok.
To use a pool of acceptors use gen_tcp_server:start_link/3
and specify a pool
option. For example:
gen_tcp_server:start_link(handler_module, 1234, [{pool, 10}]).
Simple echo_server
example showing how to use gen_tcp_server
can be found