Awesome list of uBlacklist subscriptions to block search results from google, bing & duckduckgo.
Background: What is uBlacklist?
uBlacklist is a browser extension which prevents blacklisted sites from appearing in Google, Bing or DDG search results.
Get the extension here:
Chrome Web Store / Firefox Add-ons (made by iorate Twitter: @iorate)
Mac App Store (made by Group-Leafy)
uBlacklist Repo:
How to use it: Blocking rules
You can add rules to uBlacklist to block specific pages or domains from appearing on the search results page. These rules can be specified with wildcard pattern matching or regular expressions.
Wildcard pattern matching: *://**
Regular expressions: /example\.(net|org)/
Use subscriptions
Rather than start your own blacklist from scratch, you can subscribe to pre-existing blacklists (built by the community).
A subscription file is simply a UTF-8 encoded text file. Here is an example:
They can be hosted anywhere, including github (Just ensure you copy the raw link version into the extension.)
Awesome uBlacklist Subscriptions
And here is a list of awesome uBlacklist subscriptions. Add uBlacklist to your browser, then subscribe to the lists below to bootstrap a much improved search experience. Find a good list? Or made your own? Submit a pull request
Table of Contents
Social Media
Developer Sites
- Edit - GitHub Translation splogs: Blocks a bunch of low value GitHub translation spam blogs.
- Edit - Stack Overflow Translation splogs: Blocks a bunch of low value stack overflow translation spam blogs.
- Edit - Fake webstores - Blocks fake machine-translated web stores that only redirect you to AliExpress
Local Business
Content Farms
- Generic content farm - Blocks AI content farm.
- StopModReposts - Blocks Minecraft mod repost websites