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Generate simple but informative sparkline charts

Peity Vanilla Rails

RailsJazz Listed on OpenSource-Heroes.com

Sparklines are small but intense charts. This gem is a wrapper around peity-vanilla library. You can generate simple but informative charts with vanilla JS.


  1. add gem to the Gemfile
gem "peity_vanilla_rails"
  1. Add to application.js

For Assets Pipeline:

//= require peity-vanilla-rails.js

For Importmaps

In application.js

import "peity-vanilla-rails";

Note: After peity-vanilla-rails.js is imported, it will listen to changes of peity and data-peity attributes of every DOM element

Pure peity-vanilla library is also acessible via peity-vanilla.js for Assets Pipeline, and import peity from "peity-vanilla" for Importmaps

  1. Add charts in your code:
<%= peity_line_chart([115,123,234,-113,-43,-223,127,332,152,233]) %>
<%= peity_line_chart(100.times.map{rand(100) * [1,-1].sample}, options: { width: 240, fill: 'lightgreen', stroke: 'blue' }) %>

<%= peity_bar_chart([115,123,234,-113,-43,-223,127,332,152,233]) %>
<%= peity_bar_chart('115,123,234,-132,152,233') %>
<%= peity_bar_chart(50.times.map{rand(100) }, options: { width: 240, fill: ['orange'], height: 30, padding: -0.1 }) %>

<%= peity_pie_chart "2/3" %>
<%= peity_pie_chart [3,10] %>
<%= peity_pie_chart [3,10], options: { fill: ["red", "#eeeeee"], radius: 10 } %>
<%= peity_pie_chart [236,300] %>

<%= peity_donut_chart "2/3" %>
<%= peity_donut_chart [6,20] %>
<%= peity_donut_chart [236,300] %>

More Examples

Check the original page.

<%= peity_line_chart([5,3,9,6,5,9,7,3,5,2,5,3,9,6,5,9,7,3,5,2], id: 'updating-chart') %>

  var updatingChart = document.getElementById("updating-chart");
  setInterval(function() {
    var random = Math.round(Math.random() * 10)
    var values = updatingChart.innerText.split(",")

    updatingChart.innerText = values.join(",")
  }, 1000);

Default Options

More information here: https://github.com/railsjazz/peity_vanilla.

You can pass in options any of the attributes.

  peity.defaults.pie = {
    delimiter: null,
    fill: ["#58508d", "#ffa600", "#ff6361"],
    height: null,
    radius: 8,
    width: null

  peity.defaults.donut = {
    delimiter: null,
    fill: ["#ff9900", "#fff4dd", "#ffd592"],
    height: null,
    innerRadius: null,
    radius: 8,
    width: null

  peity.defaults.line = {
    delimiter: ",",
    fill: "#fff4dd",
    height: 16,
    max: null,
    min: 0,
    stroke: "#ffa600",
    strokeWidth: 1,
    width: 32

  peity.defaults.bar = {
    delimiter: ",",
    fill: ["#4d89f9"],
    height: 16,
    max: null,
    min: 0,
    padding: 0.1,
    width: 32


  • remote datasource and autoupdate


You are welcome to contribute.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.