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  • Created about 4 years ago
  • Updated about 3 years ago


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# Woocommerce Plugin for Khalti The basic steps to follow: 1. Go to the plugin section in your WordPress dashboard 2. Click on Add New and upload the zip file of Khalti WooCommerce plugin and upload it 3. After installation is complete, go to the WooCommerce section and to Settings 4. Go to Checkout option where you can find Khalti among other payment gateways 5. Click on Khalti option and enter your test secret key and test public key which you can get at Keys section in your merchant account 6. Click on save changes and complete a Khalti wallet transaction to pass the test 7. If you pass the test, Go to keys section in your merchant account, you can get your Live keys their 8. Enter your live key and click save changes

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