PoParser is a personal project to fulfill a need I got: parse Gettext Portable files (*.po files) and edit its content using PHP.
PoParser requires PHP >= 5.4, but may work in 5.3 too.
It supports following parsing features:
- header section.
- msgid, both single and multiline.
- msgstr, both single and multiline.
- msgctxt (Message context).
- msgid_plural (plurals forms).
- #, keys (flags).
- # keys (translator comments).
- #. keys (Comments extracted from source code).
- #: keys (references).
- #| keys (previous strings), both single and multiline.
- #~ keys (old entries), both single and multiline.
composer require sepia/po-parser
// Parse a po file
$fileHandler = new Sepia\PoParser\SourceHandler\FileSystem('es.po');
$poParser = new Sepia\PoParser\Parser($fileHandler);
$catalog = $poParser->parse();
// Get an entry
$entry = $catalog->getEntry('welcome.user');
// Update entry
$entry = new Entry('welcome.user', 'Welcome User!');
// You can also modify other entry attributes as translator comments, code comments, flags...
$entry->setTranslatorComments(array('This is shown whenever a new user registers in the website'));
$entry->setFlags(array('fuzzy', 'php-code'));
Save Changes back to a file
Use PoCompiler
together with FileSystem
to save a catalog back to a file:
$fileHandler = new Sepia\PoParser\SourceHandler\FileSystem('en.po');
$compiler = new Sepia\PoParser\PoCompiler();
Tests are done using PHPUnit. To execute tests, from command line type:
php vendor/bin/phpunit
- Add compatibility with older disambiguating contexts formats.